I think we always say, "Well that was the best Christmas ever!"
This year is a for-sure BEST EVER! We were all together!
There was a time shortly before Christmas Day when we thought it may not happen.
As most people know our big sister Duchess Sammy is not well. Christmas was almost not going to happen for her this year.
Her illness is progressing fast, but... she is hanging on to her happy self. We've made it past Christmas and Boxing Day and we're heading into the New Year!
I'll continue to post more as we go along.
We're staying positive and living one day at a time. Duchess continues to have a really good apetite, she still shows an interest in her toys, asks to go out to do her business, and she is sleeping through the nights. Mom uploaded a video to youtube so you can see for yourself how happy Duchess is to go play in the snow. I'll put it here for you to see. She may not stay out for very long but she is totally happy to be in the snow and munch on it.
The video was Published on Dec 29, 2012
The description reads ..."We're taking 'ít' day by day, based on how Duchess is feeling. We can see, and we know, her bone cancer is progressing quickly now. Her pain is still being managed by her meds. She continues to have fun days and we will not deprive her of them. She's still sleeping through the night, interested in her toys, drinking plenty of water, eating full meals and asking to go out to do her business. Check out that wiggly tail while she enjoys one of her simple pleasures...SNOW!
I've posted Christmas pictures on my Facebook.
Please feel free to stop by and have a look at them -
2012 Christmas Album
Have A Safe And Happy New Year. May Everyone You Love, Feel it, Have Warmth, Shelter, And a Hot Meal Each Day!