This blog is dedicated to our beloved Royal pack.
Our leader, King, Our Precious Princess Molly. Our Darling Duchess Sammy and Our Sweetest Lady May.
Four sets of paws reunited over Rainbow Bridge.
They will Rule Forever more, in eternal peace and good health.
So sadly missed and so lovingly remembered.
We've been keeping busy making bows and
wrapping prezzies to pass the time. Thank you so much Margaret, Hubert and Penny of
Tree Treasures for creating such lovely wooden ornaments for my gifts. You
make life so much easier for me.
Dog sitting is slowing down for the season. People are staying home and staying
safe! The few dogs that have visited have all helped to wrap and of course
sample the cookies. Thank you so much my helpers. Miss
Hazel made sure to check out the bows before they went on the cards. Everyone sat so well and waited for their
goodies while I took yet more photos.
Okay Lady, This batch is ready to go. I'll just check the cookies one, more, time!
How many bags of cookies went missing? I think I saw Suzy Q eat one! Suzy Q - "Not me, Gramma it was Lady May!"
Marchioness lil Molly - "What cookies?"
Maverick de Marquis - "I think we should check the Marchioness' breath!
Miss Sadie - "I saw crumbs on Sir Bentley's chin!"
Santa Paws Cedar, - "I'm sure I heard him burp too!"
Sir Bentley - "Don't beleeve him. Im alergic to cookies! Reelay I am!"
Miss Mylu - "Trust me! There was no cookies taken by anyone" (( Im sure {burp} ))
I know, right? They REALLY are on Santa's good dogs list!!
I promised to allow them to sit on the bed and watch some Disney movies. Awww I
know! They deserved it & loved it!
Can you close the door please. We're trying to watch a movie here!
Miss Hazel, Marchioness lil Molly and Lady May "Ooo it's Cinderella, Our favourite Princess"!
Royal K9 Korner wishes everyone, paws or feeties, fur or furless, tails or no
tails a very safe, healthy and Happy Christmas & New Year. 2021 is on the way.
A select few have been home for the last few months. We miss you and are howling for your visits in 2021 RarrOoooHOOooooo
Hello mommy and daddy! I've been taking good care of the people here at Royal K9 Korner. Thank you for letting me stay here while you're away. Lady May's mom says I've been very helpful around the house and yard. I'm getting better at leaving the rake thing alone. (most times) I just chew on a big stick the lady gives me until she needs me to guard her twig carrier thing. It's a very important, serious job!
If I see a stick that's going to fall out I fix it for her.
Oh Look! See! This stick needs fixing!
Then the Lady usually gives me another bigger stick to chew on for awhile. It's a fun game!
I've been sharing toys with Lady May and Suzy Q. When Suzy doesn't want me to touch her toys, she stares right at me and I try really hard not to take them. The lady here sees when it happens and she takes the toy away and keeps
it. We don't get it back until much later. Suzy likes to lay close to me so I think she likes me. Even though she's littler than me, I'm s'posed to respect her cuz she's way older. I'm learning to lay with her but I wont take her toys.
Learning to share
Mat sharing is much easier than toys
Maverick came a visited for alot of days and we sure had fun! I hope he comes back soon. He's FAST!
Hi Maverick, I remember you! Let's ZOOM!
Last weekend I had a surprise visit from The Marchioness, lil Molly. We had a ton of fun. I was trying very hard to get her to play chase with me, but she doesn't like that game. She loves this "Ball game" so now, I'm learning how to play that. The lady here says, I'm learning to play it really well. She gives me a bit of a yummy treat when I bring the ball back to her. I guess it's ok but sometimes I forget so I miss out on the cookie. Drat!
I have to bring it back for a cookie right? Right!
When lil Molly was here we went for a ride in Lady May's dad's truck. I had to show lil Molly not to be afraid. She's kinda scared going for truck rides so we didn't go very far or for very long. We all had to wear a harness and a seat belt. The lady here said I did a really good job so we got to have cookies when we got back home. lil Molly was so happy to get back, but I wanted to go for more. I thought we were going to see you mom. ((sigh)) Soon right?
It's ok lil Molly. I know the daddy here and he drives safely
Oh thank Dogness! I can see our house!
There was one day I was kinda chilly so the lady here said I had to wear my coat. Im sure glad I have it. It keeps me really warm. Oh and guess what else? The lady here built me a cozy warm tent thing. Oh mom! It was so warm. I loved it. The heat just poured all over me. Can we build one please? That night I was allowed to sleep beside the fireplace. I only stayed there for a little while cuz I much rather sleep closer to Lady May. I think her and I are going to be really good friends soon. I just have to play soft with her.
There is a metal thing that pours out the heat. It's great mom!
I dream of you every nite.
I still sleep with your PJ top mom. It reminds me that you'll be home
soon. I hope you and daddy are staying safe. I sure miss you. I'm being a really good girl!
OH and Guess What? Did you know that Santa Paws is coming here soon! Yay! The lady here says all the dogs are sure to get a present cuz we all been SO GUD! We have been practising being Santa Paws and Santa helpers. It's alot of fun and there is mega cookies for being good Santas. I think I'm the best!
I bet Santa Paws will bring you home to me. That's all I really want. Give daddy big hugs for me. PS Did I write a letter to Santa Paws yet? I'll see you soon mommy. Your very bestest puppy ever HazelNut ❤💓💜🐾