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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Introducing 'Cora'

 Nope, Cora is not a new dog!

Last month we decided to start looking into purchasing a motorhome. The anxiety we felt during this year's fire season had given us a sense of urgency. We began watching Craig's list and RV related websites. We were fortunate to find just the right one in Abbotsford, in a very short time. The price was right, and we snapped it up. Thank you, Bob and Colleen, for posting your motorhome for sale! We love it! 

28 ' 1989 Corsair HOME!
Thank you Logan and Lucas for the thumbs up and tagging along with us to pick it up and drive our truck back home.

Logan and Lucas give 'Cora' their seal of approval!

We took our first over night camping trip in many years this Thanksgiving weekend. Of course, we had a visiting dog join us. Lil Molly was great company for Lady May. She was a bit hesitant when we started out but soon settled in to the hours long drive to our favourite camp spot at Rogers Creek along the Duffy Lake Road.
We arrived at dusk, just enough daylight to head to the water for a quick sniff around. Daddy got the campfire started and the dog mats in place. We were so happy to have the earth damp after a good rainfall and felt worry free at last. We listened to the sky open up and drench the earth while we drifted off to sleep, warm, cozy and dry!

Lady May - "We'll soon be at the creek lil Molly. You'll see. You'll love it!"

Wow you were right . I love this!

'Cora' in place, fire started and dog mats positioned.
Easily slid under the RV during the rainy night.

The next day we gathered the dogs and set off for a walk. Lady May was excited to be able to run and enjoy all the fresh scents with her buddy lil Molly. Their long leads gave them ample opportunities to safely check things out before we reached them. Then they were off again for another scent to follow.

'Es Brueggli Fuers Schatzeli'
Rogers Creek Bridge
The air was fresh and clear. The weather was definitely cooler, and the ground was good and damp. Autumn is certainly in the air.
With so many scents to explore we occasionally took Lady May out of her chair to fully enjoy herself.

Most of the time she was content to just be along for the journey.

Can you turn out the lamp please dad. I'm tired
By bed time everyone was ready to sit by the fire and relax some more. We anticipated rain and we were prepared. 'Cora's' furnace was pumping out heat and the beds indoors had warm quilts waiting to wrap us for a good nights sleep.
 We spent a short time outside, had dinner and then headed indoors for the warmth.

lil Molly to tired to wait for me to take her halter off.
I had to do it while she slept.

Another little soul fast asleep while I removed her halter.
The floors of Cora are a smooth lovely hardwood. Lovely for us but not so much for the dogs. Way to slippery. I happen to have a roll of 1/8th inch Neoprene hanging around. Not my chosen colour for Cora's floors but never mind.  I covered them so now, the dogs could enjoy themselves without slipping. Perfect and I highly recommend it!
The girls were ready for snuggles and dreamland. Mom and dad enjoyed a good chat, laughs and a game of cribbage. It's been so long since we felt such relaxation. It seemed long over due.
We were back home in time to greet our next visitors, little Suzy Q and Countess River.  Lady May and lil Molly had so much to tell them.
River - "You mean you slept in there? Wow! Cool!"

River decided to check it out for herself.

Wow you even had toys!
When we were driving home, the surrounding mountains reminded us that camping season is just about over. We'll be getting 'Cora' ready for the winter soon.
Farewell Rogers Creek see you next year!

Fresh snow the first reminder Winter is just around the corner.
Come next Spring we'll be making the most of our 'new' RV as often as possible!
Watch your driveways. We might surprise you!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Baroness Mylu has crossed Rainbow Bridge

Last week we received a message from Mylu's dad. The beautiful almost 7 year old Baroness Mylu was very sick, and was struggling to recover. When she was not fully recovering it ultimately led to surgery and a 3 day visit in Kamloops Oriole Vet Clinic.  At some point over the last while, Mylu had eaten a pine cone and it had lodged in her small intestine.  Her mom and dad were understandably, "shattered"  but had hoped they could spend some "serious recuperating time" together back at home.

Earlier this week I received another message from her mom, Vivian, saying dear Ms. Mylu was not "rallying" as they had hoped. She was unable to keep even water down.  She was able to lay on her porch and watch the birds. She wrote it was evident she was in severe pain and discomfort. 

Mylu lived with a seizure disorder that began at an early age when she was hit by a car. She was kept on very strict and precise medications that controlled her seizures and allowed her to live a happy normal life. She was happiest when she was going on hikes and trail walks with her mom and dad and her friends. Mylu loved swimming and best of all her yard filled with birds and wildlife.
 No one knew it, although both her mom and dad had their suspicions over the last year that she had something going on. Mylu had underlying liver disease, probably from the very same medications that controlled her seizures.

Her dad wrote to say, "It was too easy to blame it on the heat and her medications. It wouldn't have made any difference if we had figured it out as she needed the medications.  It was heartbreaking to make the decision to have her put down, but knowing she had gone in to liver failure explained the lack of recovery post surgery and helped with the final decision.
We were both with her when she passed and Dr. Quinn was very kind.

Thank you for the care you provided her.  We always knew she was in good hands and never worried when we left her with you.  She truly was one of the most gentle and kind dogs I have ever known.  She has left a big hole in our lives right now. ~ Ian."

Mylu was allowed to go peacefully at Cache Creek Vet Hospital on Oct. 5th 2021
We are so sad and grieving along with her mom and dad, Ian and Vivian, at the loss of Royal K9 Korner's very own Baroness Mylu. I am so thankful I was chosen to be her daycare provider when  Mylu couldn't be with her mom and dad. We fell in love with Mylu very quickly. She really was so kind and gentle. So very easy to love.
We are sending all the emotional support we can muster to her mom and dad at this very difficult time.
May she run pain free and healthy forever more. 🌈🐾💝

Mylu was always happy to visit us. Although, she made sure
to keep a close eye on the gate in case mom or dad came back.

Mylu loved being outdoors and would lay for hours in the shade of our maple tree when she visited us. Even while her friends played around her, she would lay in watch for her mom and dad.  The same spot each and every visit. It was always easy to find Mylu. 

Lady May, Hazel and Sadie leave Mylu alone to watch while they play as usual.

Mylu, "I'm not sleeping I'm just squinting to keep the sun out of my eyes.
I can still see the gate if my mom and dad come back"

We will miss stroking her beautiful thick, soft, black fur.  When she stayed overnight, she slept beside my bed and I could reach down to feel her through out the night. I already miss you sweetheart.
You were such a good girl!
Rainbow Bridge has a New Baroness joining The Royal Family.
May you continue to reign with all the Royals who passed before you.
No more seizures for you girl. Angel life forever more darling.
Run! Say hi to everyone for us.
Until we meet again!

Rest in Peace Sweet Baroness Mylu  Nov. 2014 - Oct. 2021