Two more girls looking for playdates. These two are bonded like a mother and daughter team.
The lovely Lou is a 5 year old golden Retriever and her sibling Maya, is beautiful 4 year old Malamute/Shepherd cross. Maya was adopted at a very young age and sees her sister Lou, as her mom.
Both are very happy girls and they will be looking for a few days of daycare to socialize. They are relatively new to town and only just arrived in the neighbourhood last week. We welcome Lou, Maya and their family to Lillooet and Royal K9 Korner.
Lou & Maya - "Will we be able to run and play with toys here mom?" Mom - " I dont know darlings, you have to ask the lady."
Oh you bet you'll be able to run and play with toys. You'll also be able to meet with quite a few others who love to do the very same.
Lou and Maya came for their M&G last Sat. We were fortunate to have the rain hold up for a day so they were able to get to experience all of our yard.
As most new comers do, they zoomed back and forth and checked out all the toys. They were smiling for their entire visit. Lou has some tummy issues so the 'cookies' were bits of broccoli instead of standard doggie treats. Well that's just fine by me. They seemed to understand the way our treat sharing procedure works here. A nice quiet sit while I cut up the chunks and calm polite behaviours accepting. Well done girls. I'm sure you're going to be a pleasure to have visiting.
Maya - "Look Lou I think we're getting something yummy." Lou - "I sure hope so, I've been extra good today."
"Where you goin' lady? Our mom said we can have more goodies!"
Searching through the indoor toys was the perfect distraction while mom and I did up their paperwork.
Maya is normally a ball only dog. To mom's surprise Maya chose a small stuffed squeaky bone. We wondered if the shiney fabric caught her eye? It's one of the toys that a few dogs seem to like best. Maya carried it around back and forth before she chose another.
If you think you recall, it's one of Countess River's favourites. You'd be right. I think I'll be needing to make it disappear if the two visit together.
Maya choosing the shiney squeaky rainbow bone. |
The entire basket of stuffys had just been laundered so everything was fresh and clean. I bet these two could still smell the other dogs who played with them. Lou spent a nice long time sniffing deep into one of the stuffys. Yep, and it's one of Frankie's favs.
"DITTO - I'll be needing to make it disappear if the two visit together. "
Maya - "Hey, have these toys been used before?"
Lou and Maya watch and listen to every word their mom says. It's obvious how much time has been spent on their training. Well done mom and dad.
We're hoping Lou will do alright being left for a visit. Being the loyal breed she is, she's attached to moms hip most of the time. My task will be to keep her entertained and distracted enough so she wont even realize how long mom was away. I'll be letting Lou know she can trust me and feel safe until mom returns.
Lou - "You're not leaving us now, are you mommy?"
Not yet sweetie. You have a planned playday with young Ruby soon and we're hopeful mom will be able to leave you and Maya for a couple of hours that day. If all goes well we'll do the same for a playday with Sir Frankie. Im sure, fun times are in store for you.
Oh goodie, let's go home now mom. We'll come back another day.
We're looking forward to future visits and meetings between these two and the other extended Royal Pack.
Welcome Lou and Maya.