The temps have dropped again but are manageable with only a warm jacket. The yard is dry and still partially frozen. Yay! No mud!
Countess River and Miss Ruby are keeping themselves entertained well enough. They’re both here on extended visits. The first few days they enjoyed
playing with Karma, Bailey and the new boy. Also Suzy Q has visited them.
Ruby and River get on together just fine. They don’t have the same play
style or relationship as they do with others, but they each show respect
for the other.
River holds the chew toys to herself. |
I limit their play and provide each with separate play area to release their energy and to keep them safe. River is a senior now and still in recovery mode due to a past shoulder injury. She loves to zoom and play but she is not allowed in the more robust ruff & tumble play between Bailey and Ruby.
She is happiest just watching for a bird to land so she can “go get it!” Balls are great fun, but she really prefers to chase a live object. Fortunately, for the birds in my yard, they have great escape routes planned out. Whew!
"River - "Here birdie birdie, Come on now, I wont hurt you."
I keep a harness on River and clip on a long lead to prevent her getting in the middle of ruff n tumble play with others.
So far both Ruby and River have been happy and unaware of the length of time they’ll be here. They've had plenty of visitors and have slept well each night.
Trust me, River is in that bundle. She loves to sleep under cover and cozy. Our little Babushka (aka Rivbuschka)
Ruby prefers to keep her feeties out and cool but she still likes her blankie over her.
Then last night sweet Ruby did it. She asked to go home. She said, "... a week
has been fun but it’s long enough. Please lady. Tell my mom and dad
I’m ready for home time now.”
Oh dear, we'll make sure to increase your day play and pile on the evening cuddles and attention. I'll try to make the days go quickly for you sweetie.
Ruby - "Is it home time yet?" River - "I don't think so."
Bailey has a few days booked so you'll have a buddy for sure.
River stays in the safety zone while Ruby and Bailey play
Bailey gets twice the amount of playtime. Two different play-styles with each girl. He's a very versatile boy.
Ruby's turn to be in the safety zone so River gets some one on one play with Bailey
We've been taking a few moments each day to set up for a 'girls only' photo shoot. They are such perfect models. Being a leap year means they'll have to decide who they'll send their heart out to.
I can tell you one thing, They have my heart for sure!!
Suzy Q, The Countess River and Miss Ruby Who will be their Valentine this year?
Stay tuned for more Valentine photos. It's only 1 week away!