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Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Silence is Broken, We are Whole Again

 . . . She has left her place here on earth and has gone ahead to check things out over Rainbow Bridge. When she left us we thought we would never mend. We read poems and accepted the comfort of our friends and family. We cried over and over again. We kept her things in their places. No one touched them. Her special toys sat and were never played with.  Her bowl was wiped to remove the dust from it. Her trolley was fluffed but never slept in. A part of us felt we would betray her memory if anyone touched those things . . .

Then the day came when mom wrote an inquiry letter to Yvette. Mom and dad had read about the new dogs that continued to come in to Turtle Gardens Rescue Society.  Mom was still writing updates for the ones who had found their happy forever homes.  She continued to scan through the blogs pages for those who she hadn't seen mentioned in a while.
That's when she came across Jan 19 2013 blog post with the little girl with the bent front leg picture again.
It read as follows:

"Lady is not adoption ready. When I took the call about the two dogs he mentioned that Lady was unique in that she was a three legged dog. I took that to mean she was missing a leg. Not so – she holds up her front leg as it is perpetually bent. Her shoulder has no musculature and I don’t know how it happened – an accident or genetic. Lady has an appointment with Dr Mike on Friday for evaluation. We will see what can be done for her – either way it sounds very extensive. She may be facing an amputation or a long rehabilitation. She is a sweet little dog and deserves the best that can be done for her."
But, those sad eyes did it to mom and she wrote a letter asking about where Lady was and if she was going through rehabilitation. She told Yvette  'someone' in Lillooet was interested in her and they knew all about  Lady's disability. Mom asked Yvette if Lady was scheduled for any sort of rehab, where ever Lady was. She didn't want to take away any opportunities Lady may have to gain strength in her leg. If she was placed in a home in Lillooet it would mean NO REHAB.
Yvette only places her dogs with families she really feels will match the dogs personality and needs. So she wrote back with all the detailed information necessary to fit a possible new home. "... He took Lady in to Smithers for evaluation. Lady has been crippled for a very long time and Dr Mike didn’t want to inflict unnecessary pain to the little girl. Her shoulder has totally atrophied from no use – she would need massive rehabilitation to bring back the muscles and it would be quite painful. The amputation is also painful. She gets around very well just as she is. Her leg does not hurt her – she has no pain. He said he is sure she will be adopted as she is with my extensive network. He reads our blog too! How cool is that! So Lady came back home in one piece."

When dad came home from work that afternoon mom shared Yvette's conversation with him. "Lady May was not receiving nor was she scheduled to receive any rehab. She was heading to a new foster family in Vancouver on the next TG Bus Run. In two days!!"
It only took two minutes for dad to say, "Ask Yvette if we can bring Lady May into our home."  Yvette responded with a resounding, "YES, PLEASE!"  And so in only two days time we drove out to Cache Creek to welcome our Little Lady May into our home.

Nice to meet you Lady May
We're Heading Home!


Jean said...

I think Duchess Sammy had a paw in this - and she is smiling down on Lady May and all her new family.

Princess MollyDawg said...

I think you're right Aunty Jean.