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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Diversification at Royal K9 Korner

We have a wonderful variety of dogs that visit us at Royal K9 Korner. Everything from colour to size, characteristics in behaviour and the ever present age and health. We have black ones and brown ones, white ones and grey ones, big ones and small ones, wide ones and thin ones.  Oh my!  Some like to be alone, some love to be in your face and some just wander about.
There are so many in our assortment of K9's that our rainbow is ever changing.

There are moments when a name escapes me and I admit to referring to them by colour or coat condition. Sometimes it's deliberate. They may be in a spot that is safe and comfy cozy and I don't want to disturb them. I know that if I refer to them in conversation by name, they're going to jump up and see what's going on. "Why was my name called? Is there cookies involved??" Oh great now I have to explain!  "I only wanted to say what a good girl/boy you are my sweetie. Go back to your rest in the sunshine"   Many times I just say, "the big fluffy guy" or the "little white curly one" or "Miss Sneaky Butt" or "Mr. Hi! How are ya?"

In all the diversity, size for sure really doesn't matter here. Whether you're teeny weeny or great big, the rules are still the same. Most importantly, be polite to everyone and share. Or at least be kind-fully mindful of the others. I don't really care what the body looks like, I'm more concerned with how the brain processes the surroundings and what messages it sends to have the body respond. Playing fair and safe is so important and will certainly make a visit nicer and they will be welcomed back.
Same age and energy level Miss Mia and Lil Molly 2012 
One of the characteristics not always noticeable is the variety of ages. We currently have ages ranging from 11 months old to 16 years old. When we have both ends of that scale visiting together or within a few days of each other, age is very noticeable.

We had the privilege of keeping Master Rookie, (The Old Man)  company for a day when his mom had to be out of town. The very next day we had Miss Yeti visit us. Let me tell you, age was noticeable!
Our senior 16 year old Master Rookie ambling around the yard.
Getting a picture of Master Rookie is only a matter of walking up, pointing the camera and clicking. He's methodical in his movements and always a happy boy.  When he's done his walk about the yard a few times, he simply finds the best comfy spot and there he waits until his mommy comes for him. I can clean the house or groom a dog or fold my laundry. There is never a distraction unless I create it. He loves to have his neck ruffled and back end scrunched and scratched. Oh the smiles I get.

What a good boy Rookie
The very next day in comes one of our youngsters for a day visit.  A marked difference! Look closely at this little ones eyes, and body language. She's a very obedient girl. Smart as a whip and just as fast.  There is no moss growing under this ones paws. You will see she's only laying still because I asked her to.  Notice she's in a closed area where her choices are limited.  Plus, she knows I have a kibble to offer. Kibble makes such great (whisper.... cookies")

Almost 2 year old Miss Yeti (Bday: May 1st 2018)
Getting a photo of Miss Yeti is quite the opposite.  She doesn't often lay still when she's here. There is JUST SO MUCH to see and smell and do! I was able to snap this one as she took a bit of a break from her busy, busy run around the yard. She zips, she zooms she spins and dashes in between everything possible.

We love it when a youngster gives Princess MollyDawg a challenging moment to exercise like she did in years past. Go Yeti Go!  When she's had her romp and satisfied her energy we can head back into the house for a bit of nap-time. Oh and then I can sneak any photos I may have missed. Yep, you guessed it. I just had to get a photo of Yeti in her finest bunny ears.
Somehow "Old Man Rookie" was left out of the event. I have no idea how that happened??   I'm going to get him another time. Get ready Master Rookie. Im coming for you.

Oh DRAT! I thought I missed the Easter photo shoot.
MOM Take Me HOME! 

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