This blog is dedicated to our beloved Royal pack.
Our leader, King, Our Precious Princess Molly. Our Darling Duchess Sammy and Our Sweetest Lady May.
Four sets of paws reunited over Rainbow Bridge.
They will Rule Forever more, in eternal peace and good health.
So sadly missed and so lovingly remembered.
Finley has been a very busy boy at his mom and dad's shop. He hasn't been here for a visit since last July 2017
Wow. I can't believe it's been so long. We're so happy he came back to visit us! His mom had called several times asking to bring him over. Unfortunately we were booked up and had to turn the ole man away.
Well, thank goodness mommy is persistent and patient! She finally hit on a day when only Miss Mylu and Muffin were here. Yay Finley! So good to have you back boy!
When's my dad coming back for me!?
Finley really did not want his dad to leave when he first arrived, he was not comfortable with being "left behind". So we just left him alone and encouraged him to walk around the yard with us. Even though there are alot of changes and new smells since he was here last, he still gravitated to the gate several times. He pawed at it a few times. Fortunately he trusts me well enough and stopped at my first suggestion. "Come on Fin ole man let's walk this way."
It's completely natural and expected for some longing to have mom and dad come back. I discourage excessive pining of all visitors. We ignore, use distraction and positive reinforcement to help create an environment they learn to feel comfortable in as soon as possible.
Where's dad?
It took Finley a little while to feel comfortable with us again.We introduced him to Mylu to give his mind something else to distract him. Mylu is just 2 yrs old and a sweetie. She's a persistent 'licker' and wants to play with everybody! Finely said,"Hello, I see you. Now go away." Then decided to follow the pack around the yard but kept a watchful eye on the driveway the whole time.
Do I hear dad's truck?
Muffin and Finley have met in the past and we knew they would be fine together. Finley is clear in his communication and Muffin hears him.
This visit Muffin had to stay separated most of the time. He had a different playtime from the others. He's 2 years old now and still FULL of P*ss and Vinegar. He hasn't learned his strength or power and still thinks he's a tiny little puppy who can bulldoze the others. He's friendly and happy and only wants to play. ALOT! We don't allow rough play, so Muffin needed to release some energy before we could include him in the others playtime. He'll be back again next weekend, I'm sure we'll have time to work on that.
In the meantime Finley got to know Miss Mylu a little better and gave her some ole man knowledge and guidance. Finley is a great communicator and insists on being heard. "I like you kid but, don't lick all the time and we'll get along great!' Before we knew it Mylu was listening to him and following Finley around most of the days. We kept a long drag lead on her just in case her licking desire was too hard to resist. It gives ample opportunity to give a little reminder nudge to back off. She was soon lead free and learning just fine.
No more licks please
Along with dogs this weekend we also had our adoring grandchildren, Muffin's furless kids, visiting. Finley has children at home and Mylu is over the moon with children also.
Being around the children seemed to put Finley straight into relax mode and the rest of the time was just, "Okay, fine, I'll relax until dad comes for me." Mylu was in bliss! Kisses galore and allowed!
Finley: "Hi little girl! I love you. wanna play?" Mylu: Hey, wait! I give better kisses!"
Finley: "Are you still following me Mylu?"
Mylu: "I think, we're not allowed past this. Wanna lick?"
Mylu still on her drag lead for a little while longer.
Finley: "I feel like I'm being watched?!"
Mylu: "I'm sure there's room for us both"
Finley: "Hey, know any places to hide from Mylu?"
Peace at last
Mylu learning to have respect and give personal space.
I love being able to see the difference in dogs after a few visits. What a great job of teaching and learning. The old teach the young far better than we furless creatures can. Given opportunity with structure and safety, allows them to grow and become independent secure pack members.
It was a full and wonderful weekend! I love the nicer weather! It allows for fun outdoors time and socializing at it's finest. We have another full weekend coming up. Bring on the dogs!
Feel free to like our Facebook page and be sure to visit the photos page. There are new ones added often.
Each time River arrives at Royal K9 Korner, she brings in her energy, enthusiasm and excitement! She bombs in through the gate and heads straight for the cedar hedges. There's always new smells there and she can't wait to check them out! This visit the sky started off gloomy and misty. It turned to downright awful, heavy rain the next day. Little River and the others were only allowed out for "business". The rest of the time they spent going between the house and the front porch hoping the rain would stop and I would open the gate soon. If you look closely you can see River actually has her sweet snout wedged tight into the chainlink. Awww, I feel for you River. Soon the rains will stop.
((Sigh)) Borrrring!
", open, open, open..."
Finally the rain did stop and the sun came out in all its glory.
Some dogs like to play ball when they visit us. River usually likes a good ball game as well. After a rainy day there are just so many new smells around and so much to do. There's almost no time for balls. She carries a toy or two with her in case she needs it. After all, one never knows when boredom might set in. It was difficult to capture all River's enthusiasm on film. I did manage to get a little, but it really doesn't capture her speed around the yard. I'll have to try again another time.
You just have to trust me, she did NOT stop for very long. We were outdoors the entire day and she made certain she checked and rechecked every corner of the yard. Every stone had a million new scents. Every hanging branch, every leaf and blade of grass. All the ants scurrying back and forth caught her attention to the fullest.
Determining if there's a way to capture
a singing bird, provides a bit of a rest.
The singing birds with their 'after a rain songs' gave her body a moment of rest. I could still see her brain was still in full gear.
Who needs store bought toys?!
All day long she played with the outdoor toys like they were all brand new! Even a used water bottle was an irresistible toy that day. If only we could smell all the things that River can. The world is a never ending supply of wonderment for her. So much to learn and so much to do.
Take your time lady. Im just refueling my brain.
Her little body let's her know when it needs a break. She took opportunities to grab cat naps while I mixed up ice tea for me. I made sure to move slowly to allow her that much needed nap. 1 yr olds still need those.
A half hour before dinner we came indoors to have some quiet time. This little girl found a mat and plopped until I called dinner! Every buzzing bee and fluttering butterfly would have to wait. Her body had it's fill and needed to fuel up.
Wake me for dinner please. I need more energy!
Later, I decided to change some bedding and guess who wanted desperately to help me? Ya, uh huh. You're right. River the quilt spreader. Do you ever shake open a queen sized quilt/mat and fold it into thirds then in half to make it fit a large dog crate? I'm certain most dog moms or dads will say, "Oh ya, sure no prob!" Okay, so picture that quilt being made of very silky material. Now, add the assistance of a little 16 mon old Brittany Spaniel who really wants to play "keep way" with you and the quilt. Well, that was little River! She had grasped a hold of it tightly in her jaws. Both her front paws were wrapped so tightly onto that quilt there was no way to get it away from her. I was laughing so hard I had lost all the strength in my hands. I finally just flopped down with the quilt and River and let her wash kisses all over my face. I'm sure she was saying, "Gee, lady that was fun! Let's do it again!"
Of course I finally did get the quilt placed and my little inspector made sure I had done the task just right.
There better not be any lumps in this bed lady. Or you're doing it all over again!
She's a very good girl. always happy and learning the yard boundaries beautifully. She asks the others politely if she can play with them. She accepts the response with an attitude of, "that's okay, I'll try again later." All her frolicking and exploring/investigating was finally complete. By 8 pm she crashed. She found a cozy spot to call her own. Not a peep out of her all night long.
River will be going home later today. We hope she had fun and we welcome her back any time at all. See you soon River.