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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

June Dogs Just Being Dogs

 When the weather turns warm, the grass becomes greener.  The furnace is turned off and the doors are opened.  It's time for the dogs to be able to come in or go out at will.  Not all visiting dogs want to be outdoors playing all day long. Some of them really prefer to just lay on a cozy mat or the cool floor and just sleep the day away. That's just fine by me.
It's common to see half finished chores in and around my house and yard. I do house chores and yard work both at the same time. I'm in and out with the dogs and doing half chores back and forth. What I didn't complete the time before will wait until the next time I'm out, or in. Sometimes I get to just sit on the porch or on a yard bench and watch them rest. They don't always want me to throw a ball or tug a toy.  It's not always about run and go crazy and zoom and romp.
When the yard is full of dogs, I love it when they just want to lay around.Thank goodness for the warmer temps. Even though we have to be "home" we take full advantage of being able to just, be!

Little Sage seems to enjoy the cool floor over a mat. The sun can reach her little tummy.

lil Molly enjoying quiet pool time with little Sage.

Even little Sage likes to chill indoors some time.

Mylu and Hazel just waiting to be let indoors again.

lil Molly - "Hey! I see your new strawberry beds are here! Great! Can we eat them now?"

Mylu and Lady May loves the porch. lil Molly usually chooses the indoor mat

There's something about fresh outdoor water. It's loved the best.

Lady May loves the sun and The Baroness Mylu loves the shade

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