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Friday, September 3, 2021

It's Finally September!

Normally I'm not happy to see September roll in. Of course this year it's very different.
Our summer started with the beautiful hot sun beaming down and giving us the warmth we'd been waiting so long for. 
Within a month it's appreciated warmth had turned scorching hot and we all waited for a cool reprieve. The fires burned across BC and destroyed much of our beautiful country and left homes and lives in a shambles! Thankfully our firefighters were able to keep our community safe and we are unscathed.
Today the wildfires are now mostly under control and many evacuation alerts and orders are being rescinded. The sky is blue again and the smoke in our area has disappeared. For many areas they are still enduring emotional turmoil and a life of upheaval that this fire season has caused.
We extend our empathy and feel their saddened hearts. We know they are struggling and we offer our prayers for strength for them to cope.

At Royal K9 Korner, we have continued to have the occasional regular dog visitors in for their prearranged daycare. There has been just enough regulars to keep a smile on my face and occupy my days.  Little Miss Sage has remained our constant visitor due to her mom's busy work schedule. A doctors work continues whether its drought, feast or famine! Thank you Dr. 'Sush' for the job you do!
We appreciate you so much!
Sage has been here to check out the ripening pears.

The hot temperatures have turned our grass tinder dry and crunchie but the pears are loving the heat.

With no other companions, little Sage did everything in her power to try to coax Lady May to play. 

Lady May, "Mom, please tell Sage I said no!"

We've taken some time for a boat ride with Lady May. Something she loves to do. Even though the sky was still smokey, it was wonderful to get out for the day.

A smokey sky doesn't bother Lady May.
She's all set and lunch is packed!

I don't care about the sky mommy. Let's GO!

When Sir Muffin visited I was trying to keep my flower beds from drying out. Oh the joys of the sprinkler. What a happy boy he is! Unless of course, he has to wait until lunch is finished.

Why am I behind a gate when there's food around??

On days when little Miss Suzy visited Lady May was more than willing to cozy. 

Lady May - "Ah yes! Relaxation at it's finest!"
Being cozy was not on the agenda when lil Molly and Countess River joined us. It was all action and Go, Go, Go! 

It's so nice to see the green grass again. It only took a full weekend of RAIN to bring it back to full. Even the dandelions are returning. It's Springlike weather, the fires are almost all out and we're smiling once again.

River - "Hey! Where ya goin' lil Molly? I have the ball!"
We have plans to leave town for a few days so all daycare will officially stop until we return mid Sept.
Our darling grandson will be starting school and our plan is to be there front and centre for that day! Who can believe this day has already arrived. Good grief time flys!
Lady May and Suzy Q keep 4 year old Lucas company. Kindergarten soon! Who can believe it?

So we are heading into fall and looking forward to the cooler temperatures. We're not even bothered by the thought of Winter. We can face whatever Mother Nature throws at us and we will cope!
We are together. We are healthy. We have each other and we will cope!
Miss Sadie was the last to visit for the night before we head out. We love to see her. She's always so  happy and wiggly. Such a contented happy girl.  Thank you for bringing a smile to my face dear one.
Have a wonderful September. See you soon!

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