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Friday, March 25, 2022

Camping at Little Big Bar Lake

We're home again. What a wonderful 5 days away.
We headed out late Sunday afternoon and arrived snug at our campsite by dinnertime. We headed north and were expecting snow, so we were well prepared. The cloud cover was heavy, but there was no wind. The evening temperature was pleasant enough with a heavy coat.The road in was already thawing and there were sections of mud. Our 'Cora' had her first real work out of the year. We knew we'd be bringing out the brush and buckets when we got back home.  We decided on a spot to park easily. They were all available!
Lady May enjoyed dinner and settled by the front door to relax while we unpacked and organized for our stay. Having a home on wheels means there wasn't much to organize and were soon relaxing.Daddy got our campfire started and I reheated the chili and rolls I had prepared earlier. We were ready to settle in, snug as bugs. We had forgotten how incredibly quiet it can be. Not a sound could be heard. It was bliss for sure. After dinner Lady May and I sat cozy in the RV. I turned on the furnace and put my feet up with a book I've been trying to read for so long. Daddy stayed outdoors and tended the fire which put a happy smile on his face.

Hey mommy, are you coming back out?
No thanks daddy, we're just fine here.

Soon we snuggled into bed and had a wonderful, warm and full nights sleep.
The next morning Lady May and I headed out early to check out the ever so quiet campsite. We moseyed down to the lake and watched the sun come up over the horizon. Not a soul in sight and only the faint sound of the trumpeter swans arriving in the bull rushes the other side of the frozen lake. Peaceful serenity at its finest. 

Lady May enjoying the snow on the frozen lake
Video available at


Morning sun beginning to peak through the trees.
360° video of our campsite

8:30 am We could already feel the suns warmth.  

Later in the day we set off to stroll around the area. Lady May was able to use her wheelchair on the frozen snow road as long as we supported it on some of the slippery sections. It takes a lot of energy and muscle to use her wheelchair and she doesn’t have an opportunity to use it as often any more. Her muscles are not as strong, but she certainly seems happy being able to walk along with us. She was a very happy girl and very tired when we returned to 'Cora'. 

Video available at

 She settled on her mat and rested while daddy and I set up our outdoor kitchen and got food ready. 

Each day enjoyed investigating the area. We watched and listened to the swans who gathered and came and went. They were too distant to make them out clearly, but their voices rang clear. We also sat watching a small flock of junco's. They found a patch of mud by our RV and scurried about. Some seemed to be collecting mud while others perhaps bits of tiny pebbles and sticks. Were they gathering to rebuild new nests? I dunno, but we sure enjoyed watching these little busy bodies. Lady May found a dry grassy area under the trees and would have liked to stay there for longer than we allowed her. The colour of her fur and the ground were just too similar. I worried that if I blinked for a second to long, she may wonder off and I'd lose her. Silly maybe, but I was not ready to risk it. She was safer by our side. 

Lady May perfect camouflage

As if I'd ever leave your side mommy!

We enjoyed the glorious blue sky until it turned dark and filled with thick heavy clouds. Daddy was in his glory and simply put on a different coat. Our RV was toasty warm, and we had ample resources for a lengthy stay. I much preferred the previous weather and mentally made plans to begin to pack up. We were camped at the base of a valley with an icy snow-covered road out. There was no cell coverage, and the closest repeater was not available for radio contact.

It's just a bit of snow. No need to worry mommy.

Change to a more weather appropriate coat and come on out mommy.

It only snowed a small skiff over night, but it was enough to give me a warning feeling, and I convinced daddy that we should leave that next day. I'm a worry wart and so we headed back home.
Thank you, daddy, for being so understanding. 

"The" warning skiff of snow.

Sun beginning to set. The day before our snowfall. Who knew it could change so quickly

We said farewell to Little Big Bar Lake the next day and promised to visit again another day. 

Heading back to Hwy 97

We have a few days to unpack 'Cora'. Get the laundry caught up and put the perishables put away. Daddy will be giving 'Cora' a much needed bath and I'm making plans to welcome next weeks visitors. We're not sure when our next road trip will be, but we'll wait now until there's no threat of snow.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Mid March Playdays

Our Countess River went home at the beginning of this week. Before she left she had one more playday with Khione. I know they had fun but it was obvious our little 'Riv-boosh-ka' was pretty much ready to go home and maybe a bit tired of all the rotating playmates. She certainly enjoyed herself and we look forward to whenever she visits again.
She has been aptly renamed by our daddy for the way she wears her blankie at bedtime. It makes us laugh out loud quite literally. Every night she takes the little blanket we choose for her and she twirls herself around in it and flops down for a long nights sleep. In the morning she has her bum uncovered but the little babushka is still intact about her little face. So sweet and adorable we love you little Rivbushka.
Just one more playday Countess and you will head home with mommy and daddy and sleep all day long!

Countess River has had a whole lot of fun the last few days. She's looking a bit tired.
Khione on the other hand is raring to go!

Khione giggles at Rivbushka. Countess River is ready to defend her new name.

We had our Marchioness visit this week along with Lupin and Khione. Lil Molly is well into her senior years now and with the youngsters around, her age shows. She's still happiest with a ball to retrieve but will often dismiss most others with a loud 'bark' when they ask to play with her. She really wants to play alone or with someone who is intent on their own ball and not romping with her. 

Her fav ball this season is a squeaky strawberry stuffy.
She wont share it and often hides it when she's done.

The first morning Lupin joined lil Molly I needed to keep them separate. lil Molly was just not in the mood for a youngster and made no bones about telling little Lupin so.

lil Molly - "You just stay over there with your ball and I'll keep mine here,
and we'll be just fine."

By the time the afternoon rolled around, of course they were just fine together and made the rest of the day go so much smoother.

Lupin - "Hey! Where ya goin? Dont cha wanna play with me?"
lil Molly - "No, Go away!"

lil Molly - "I'm tired. Let's just watch and rest."
Lupin - "Borrring!"


Why wont anyone play with me. Im FUN!
Look I even share toys!

Lupin didn't have to wait very long. Her next day visit she had her new found buddy Khione to romp with. And, Romp They Did! 

Lupin - "Will you play with me?"
Khione - "Sure! Let's ask the lady if we can go outside?"

Khione and Lupin are becoming well matched playmates. Our sweet little Sage has left the town for awhile and may not be back for a visit for a very long time. Write soon please Sagey poo. We'll miss you!  I'm sure you're happy Lupin has found a friend in Khione.

Lupin and Sage last playday for awhile

Now with the water turned on we are spending more time in the back yard. I get to putter in the flower beds and water the dry earth and they get to go crazy while still with in my vision. Lupin is one of the 'water lovers' and keeps me laughing while I do my watering chores. 

Yay, thank you lady. I love this water more than the bucket kind!

Zoomies in the front yard are great fun, there are a lot of obstacles to zoom around and hide in and under. When they use "Cora' in their 'catch me' game, I have to position myself just right so I can still see them at all times. Usually that means I'm just standing, watching and not able to do much else. Do they care? I really don’t think so.
Here's a video I captured when River and Sage were here with Lupin. They sure have fun!

Lupin and Khione are headed for bestest buddies Im sure.

When it's time to relax, they seem to enjoy laying close to each other. I often find them sharing a space. 

Lupin - "But, I'll hold the toys until we play again okay?"

These days have the temps that are perfect for outdoor play for everyone. We're almost ready to head out of town for a few days. The visitors have been great helpers. They smiled and watched from the bed while we load up 'Cora'. I wonder if they think they're joining us.

You should ask our moms if we can come. We promise not to be any problem.

 Not this time sweeties. Maybe another trip.  I promise to try my best to take pictures and get some video while we're away. I might even find time to post a few pictures. I wonder if there's wifi where we're going?? hmmmm prolly not.

See you when we return!

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

So Long February, Hello March!

It's been a very busy month, though not so much for dog care. It was more about getting my house in order and spending time with family. I organized my closets and shelves and donated or recycled so many items. I still have a bit more organizing to get through but, it feels good to see the back of my closets and shelves again. I also still need to tackle a few more boxes but I'm well on my way.
Lady May was a very good helper.

 We took some lovely drives and enjoyed the company of family. Daddy drove us to check out some northern campsites, even though we know it's still winter in that area. It was nice to have a lovely Café lunch with family and even plodded through the deep snow again. The hail pelted down and we ran back to the truck for cover. 

Susy Q - "I think we can make it back to
the truck if we run fast Lady May

Lucas - "It's not so bad! Lets run!"

We drove up through the Clinton area, and stopped at a few campsites.

 Some of the damage from last summer's fires was evident, but the town looked happy and busy. We hope to head in that direction this summer and wanted to check out a nice location to stay with 'Our Cora'. There was far too much snow for us to drive down to look closer at the ice covered lake and a camp spot but we had a pretty good feel for what it would be like in summer.
We'll be checking out other places as well,  but this was  a good start. 

We can't wait for the weather to turn warmer.

Lucas - "Okay, maybe now is a good time to go back in the truck"

The weather was unpredictable with some warm sunny days filled with yard work and some cloudy drizzly days for playing games indoors. I had several trips to make to the recycling depot and it was nice to have lil Molly join us for company.

lil Molly - "Yay! Let's stop at A&W while we're out okay?
Im hungry!"

There was time to light our fire pit and roast wieners and marshmallows. We bundled up and laughed while we munched. Before you know it the weather will be screaming hot and the fire pit will be covered again.

Soon the fire was going and coals were ready for hotdogs.
Our furry visitors were few, but Lady May did enjoy a couple of days with them. It's good they like truck rides because they travelled with us on a few journeys.
Suzy Q- "Do you think grandpa will stop at DQ again?
Lady May - "Oh Maybe!"

We have a week in March booked off so be sure to check with me before scheduling your visits. 

RK9K Closed March 20- 26th 

I finally purchased a GoPro and I'm having fun figuring out just the right angle for the best videos. We're looking forward to more visitors this month and I expect a few off center videos will be posted.
Welcome March 2022

Stay warm, safe and happy.