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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

So Long February, Hello March!

It's been a very busy month, though not so much for dog care. It was more about getting my house in order and spending time with family. I organized my closets and shelves and donated or recycled so many items. I still have a bit more organizing to get through but, it feels good to see the back of my closets and shelves again. I also still need to tackle a few more boxes but I'm well on my way.
Lady May was a very good helper.

 We took some lovely drives and enjoyed the company of family. Daddy drove us to check out some northern campsites, even though we know it's still winter in that area. It was nice to have a lovely CafĂ© lunch with family and even plodded through the deep snow again. The hail pelted down and we ran back to the truck for cover. 

Susy Q - "I think we can make it back to
the truck if we run fast Lady May

Lucas - "It's not so bad! Lets run!"

We drove up through the Clinton area, and stopped at a few campsites.

 Some of the damage from last summer's fires was evident, but the town looked happy and busy. We hope to head in that direction this summer and wanted to check out a nice location to stay with 'Our Cora'. There was far too much snow for us to drive down to look closer at the ice covered lake and a camp spot but we had a pretty good feel for what it would be like in summer.
We'll be checking out other places as well,  but this was  a good start. 

We can't wait for the weather to turn warmer.

Lucas - "Okay, maybe now is a good time to go back in the truck"

The weather was unpredictable with some warm sunny days filled with yard work and some cloudy drizzly days for playing games indoors. I had several trips to make to the recycling depot and it was nice to have lil Molly join us for company.

lil Molly - "Yay! Let's stop at A&W while we're out okay?
Im hungry!"

There was time to light our fire pit and roast wieners and marshmallows. We bundled up and laughed while we munched. Before you know it the weather will be screaming hot and the fire pit will be covered again.

Soon the fire was going and coals were ready for hotdogs.
Our furry visitors were few, but Lady May did enjoy a couple of days with them. It's good they like truck rides because they travelled with us on a few journeys.
Suzy Q- "Do you think grandpa will stop at DQ again?
Lady May - "Oh Maybe!"

We have a week in March booked off so be sure to check with me before scheduling your visits. 

RK9K Closed March 20- 26th 

I finally purchased a GoPro and I'm having fun figuring out just the right angle for the best videos. We're looking forward to more visitors this month and I expect a few off center videos will be posted.
Welcome March 2022

Stay warm, safe and happy.

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