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Monday, October 3, 2022

Welcome Master Frankie

Look at this handsome fellow! 

We're welcoming this 6 year old St. BernieDoodle into our extended pack twice a week until mid-December. His mom is in town for her job and Frankie needs to be able to run and play while she works.
Frankie has been superglued to his mom’s side since April and we’re reintroducing him to her absence slowly. He's been to other daycare many times, so he pretty much knows the ropes.
He’s super well socialized and behaved.

During his M&G he totally ignored Lady May as she went into her barking spree of, “Let me out , let me meet the new boy now!”
Ignoring that kind of barking from others is a wonderful behavior. One that we reward, and Frankie was certainly due praise for his.
It was Lady May we had to wait for before we could open that gate. Silly girl.  
Frankie did his walk-through investigation of the house and yard calmly and took in all the scents and sights throughout.
He made a couple of toy choices and decided squeaky soft toys were his favourites. He definitely likes balls but it was the squeakies for this day.

I know it’s difficult to see mom drive away. He’s still learning she’ll be back by days end. He seemed able to accept that after his second day visit. Frankie is booked in on Tuesdays and Thursdays, if you want your buddy to have a playdate with him those are your best choices. He's only had an opportunity to meet little Suzy Q so far. He seems to respond very well to her. He even sought her out when he went outdoors before her. The two of them will sit and monitor the gate together if I let them. Both are watching for their moms. 

Suzy Q - " Our moms will come back. We just have to be patient and wait for them."
Frankie - "Are you Sure?"

That’s allowed for a short time, but lengthy sentry duty is not permitted here. We want a mindset that is preoccupied with other doggy things to bring play and rest to the day. It will happen very soon now.
Frankie's beginning to feel more comfortable indoors and choosing to follow me around instead of staying on sentry duty watching for his mom to return. I’ve been able to distract him more now and he’s even initiating play. Such a very good boy.

I can't wait to see this boy zooming with a buddy

Excellent behaviour meant, no harness and no lead. Frankie has wonderful recall!

Next week we have young Ruby and another newcomer coming in. More about that to follow.
Welcome Master Frankie. You’re definitely a darling doodle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He LOVES his time with you - thank you for all that you do to take of my sweet baby boy 🧡- Frankie’s mom