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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Surprise Toys Day

River and I had just one day alone last week. She helped me get ready for the next group of visitors. She kind'a helped herself to the tiny toys as I sorted them to make sure all were still safe to play with. She gave them her seal of approval by sneaking one off to snuggle with.

Ahhh yes! The tiny squeakie duckie my favourite!

River always seems to find the little duck or chicken leg first in all the tiny toys. Sneaking one is inevitable and I always allow her to when we're alone. She loves the tiny toys and is gentle with them when no one else is around.

River - "This is not a chicken leg or duckie. It's a tiny cow and I'm claiming it!"

When the toys and the living room are done we head done to the bedroom. Theirs always bedding, mats and covers to be washed.  It's boring for River, so she decides to head out the door to rest in the sun. She lays on the heated mat watching the trees for birds.

River - "Why you staring at me? Is your work done lady?"
Dare I say, the snow is melting fast. 
More birds will soon be here
I get the laundry started and sort out the bedding for this weeks little visitors. Karma, Chip, Maggie and Nugget would all be overnighters. They all need warm, clean,  private, and cozy spots. I have no idea if they'll be buddies or not.  So in came the accommodations.
River came in to see if I was doing my chores right and gave it her seal of approval by checking out her fresh bedding. We are set! Bring on the littles.
Are you paying your helpers in cookies?

Later that morning we had surprise objects suddenly appear in the yard. River was the first to spot them and made off with one quicker than I could see what it was. “Some sneaky person” had thrown a few brand-new toys into our yard. He left one little squeaky squirrel hanging on the gate post to watch me. Oh good grief I laughed. There was only one person who has done this before.  A neighbour friend of Bailey's dad gets new toys often and has way to many, so she passes some on to Bailey. Who in turn passes them along to us!  Thank you, Mr. Bailey’s dad. You are a hoot!
The dogs are going to love them!

River - "I think it must be my belated birthday present! They just dropped from the sky"

Mr. Sneaky left his squeaky squirrel friend calling card

River loves to bury her toys and she zipped back and forth throughout the morning trying to find just the right hiding place for these new treasures.

If you watch her as she's found a spot, she zooms away and finds another hiding spot. She will carry a toy all day until she finally feels she's found the perfect place that no one has seen. Then she returns to take the next new toy and repeat her task. What a funny little girl.
She never found the right place for the big yellow chip bag toy. It is just to large and the ground is still to frozen. Ah well. another time. Besides its not really one of her favourites. It's just new.

River was still sneaking toys away even when Karma and Suzy arrived. They're not really interested and let her sneak away with a toy in her mouth. The new toys wont get a proper initiation until another visitor who loves toys arrives. Then it'll be a FUN day of race and tug and play for sure.

River, Suzy and Karma enjoying the last of the snow oblivious to the new toys.

The thrill of the new toys wears off quickly and before long Karma notices the balls and his day begins. Balls seem to be his toy of choice.  I gather as many balls as I see around and up the sloped backyard we go.  It's perfect for playing ball. I keep a plastic bin in the shed filled with balls where I initially sit and throw them. For some dogs including these two, I sometimes have to retrieve them myself. Once all the balls are thrown, I head to the lattice solar frame and gather the ones I just threw.

River - "Hurry up Lady. Why you not throw another ball?"
Karma - "Maybe she checking for cookies?"

Throwing them up hill makes more sense of course, so they can roll back to me.  That's where I usually stand for the rest of playtime.

Running back and forth and up and down the hill is quite a work out for 11 year old Karma. In just a short time he's had enough and it's rest time. 
Karma, River and Suzy Q are part of my 100% recall buddies. When I call, "house-time," they are THERE! We head indoors and they easily find a comfortable spot to lay down. It's going to be a quiet day.
Karma and River take turns sleeping on the lounge. They often share it.
This time Karma gets the lounge and River finds a different place to rest.

Ahh rest time. My favourite
 Not everyone goes to sleep right away. It takes Suzy Q longer. She has a little toss 'n tumble play with a toy before she snoozes. That doesn't seem to bother River too much. She just likes the company.

The rest of the afternoon the toys are forgotten and it's mainly a relaxing day until bedtime. The toys will wait for another day. Another couple of visitors will have their fun with them.
I'll be sorting through all the 'big toys' soon and many won't be making the cut.
New toys are on the horizon!
I think Karma doesn't care as long as I keep my hands in my pocket. I wonder what he dreams of?
Toys, or . . .

Karma dreams - " I wonder if my mom will be home tomorrow?"

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