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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Princess Molly Brings in The Fall

The first day of Autumn for us brings a bittersweet memory.
Today 4 years ago we said a final farewell to our Princess Mollydawg.
Thank You for the First Day of Autumn.  

Molly was a 50/50 Akita/Rottie girl. She had smarts, beauty and muscle.
Today we look back in our memory and laugh at some of her antics.
She is still the bold, strong willed force in our hearts.

We love her deeply even through those times she played the aloof ‘I don’t need humans in my life routine” We just laughed at her and loved her even more.
She was the very best friend to her big brother King.
She allowed the sweet Duchess Sammy into our hearts and home, and we believe she even found a place in her own heart for her. When Lady May arrived, she saw fit to include her in her antics and they soon became close buddies. 


The Two Rottie Sisters. Molly deciding if she will accept Duchess Sammy
Duchess - "You will learn to love me."

Princess Molly - "But she's not prettier than me, right mom?"
King - "It's a trick question mommy. Don't answer it."

Our Molly was our first and only little puppy. We adopted her from the Kamloops SPCA at just 8 weeks old. Rescued from a box of puppies left on the hwy in Merritt BC. She was by our side until she was 15 ½ years old.

8 weeks old. Already a Princess carries her first ever bone to her bed.

Truth be told our puppy Molly was a disobedient little brat who could get her own way with her daddy with just the bat of her eye. She made me laugh hard every day. She was smart as a whip and knew how and when to preform. As she grew, Molly became a real people dog. They were her favourite playthings. She stole the hearts of everyone who came in contact with her.  The sparkle in her eye and the tilt of her head were no match for anyone.

Molly -  "It went under here daddy. Can you find it please?"

We miss that beautiful face and glossy coat. Her funny antics kept us laughing daily. Like when she tried to be graceful and do a rollover. She would flop clumsily to the ground and almost forcefully try to shift her body into a roll that ended up like a kind of half side flop. She would jump back up and sit just as dignified as ever and ask for her reward for such a fabulous rollover. Man, we laughed at her.  She put on such a performance when somebody came in the yard. She made a beeline in their direction, zooming as fast as she could. Within a foot of your body she would stop in her tracks, jump and twirl without touching so much as a hair on you. It became Molly’s trademark greeting and try as we may, we could not train her out of it. Even with my inept training skills Molly did her best to understand what was required. Jumping up was just too much of a use of self control in such excitable moments.

She was so happy to see people. Passers by would often comment of how Molly would jump up like a kangaroo to see who was walking passed the front hedge. Or how she would stay at the front fence in case someone passed by with a cookie for her.

Molly - "Listen Griz, when you see somebody walking past, it's important to jump up and down ok?"
Griz - "I'll do my best Molly."
Autumn 2007
Molly - "Get as close to the fence as you can, so you can reach the cookies, ok?"
Griz - "Ok Molly."

Molly's jumping up in front of people was not safe nor appropriate behaviour. We knew it and ended up putting our Molly on a safe lead when we knew newcomers would arrive. That was a fate worse than death to Molly. She did not like leads of any kind. She was a free spirit and ‘tying her up’ even for short times or on walks would mean you were in for a tugging match. Believe me she was strong! A short 10 min walk could take an hour due to my having to stop every few steps to remind her I was leading the walk not her. Oh Molly! We put her on as long a lead as we could find and would also often drive to areas where Molly could be off lead for her exercise. She loved it and truthfully so did we. 

Ball play for Molly still on long leads until recall has been 100% guaranteed.
From left to right - Lady May, Princess Molly, King, Marchioness lil Molly
She learned impeccable stay and recall skills even with my inept training.
There is a 6 minute video of my inept training skills and how clever our Molly was here:
Molly's Training Begins
She never strayed further than she could spot us. We miss her every day and we’re thankful we’re over the painful hurt of her passing. Now we smile when we think of her and just shake our heads. 
Molly's first pack.Together at Rainbow Bridge now
Left to right Squire Seven, Princess Mia, Princess Molly, Duchess Sammy, King
Why do dogs have to leave us so soon.
I know, it’s like the little 6yr old boy explained, “People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life - like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?
Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay for as long as we do.”

We love you Princess Mollydawg. Say hi to everyone over The Bridge.
Mommy and Daddy sure miss you 💝

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