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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Princess Molly Brings in The Fall

The first day of Autumn for us brings a bittersweet memory.
Today 4 years ago we said a final farewell to our Princess Mollydawg.
Thank You for the First Day of Autumn.  

Molly was a 50/50 Akita/Rottie girl. She had smarts, beauty and muscle.
Today we look back in our memory and laugh at some of her antics.
She is still the bold, strong willed force in our hearts.

We love her deeply even through those times she played the aloof ‘I don’t need humans in my life routine” We just laughed at her and loved her even more.
She was the very best friend to her big brother King.
She allowed the sweet Duchess Sammy into our hearts and home, and we believe she even found a place in her own heart for her. When Lady May arrived, she saw fit to include her in her antics and they soon became close buddies. 


The Two Rottie Sisters. Molly deciding if she will accept Duchess Sammy
Duchess - "You will learn to love me."

Princess Molly - "But she's not prettier than me, right mom?"
King - "It's a trick question mommy. Don't answer it."

Our Molly was our first and only little puppy. We adopted her from the Kamloops SPCA at just 8 weeks old. Rescued from a box of puppies left on the hwy in Merritt BC. She was by our side until she was 15 ½ years old.

8 weeks old. Already a Princess carries her first ever bone to her bed.

Truth be told our puppy Molly was a disobedient little brat who could get her own way with her daddy with just the bat of her eye. She made me laugh hard every day. She was smart as a whip and knew how and when to preform. As she grew, Molly became a real people dog. They were her favourite playthings. She stole the hearts of everyone who came in contact with her.  The sparkle in her eye and the tilt of her head were no match for anyone.

Molly -  "It went under here daddy. Can you find it please?"

We miss that beautiful face and glossy coat. Her funny antics kept us laughing daily. Like when she tried to be graceful and do a rollover. She would flop clumsily to the ground and almost forcefully try to shift her body into a roll that ended up like a kind of half side flop. She would jump back up and sit just as dignified as ever and ask for her reward for such a fabulous rollover. Man, we laughed at her.  She put on such a performance when somebody came in the yard. She made a beeline in their direction, zooming as fast as she could. Within a foot of your body she would stop in her tracks, jump and twirl without touching so much as a hair on you. It became Molly’s trademark greeting and try as we may, we could not train her out of it. Even with my inept training skills Molly did her best to understand what was required. Jumping up was just too much of a use of self control in such excitable moments.

She was so happy to see people. Passers by would often comment of how Molly would jump up like a kangaroo to see who was walking passed the front hedge. Or how she would stay at the front fence in case someone passed by with a cookie for her.

Molly - "Listen Griz, when you see somebody walking past, it's important to jump up and down ok?"
Griz - "I'll do my best Molly."
Autumn 2007
Molly - "Get as close to the fence as you can, so you can reach the cookies, ok?"
Griz - "Ok Molly."

Molly's jumping up in front of people was not safe nor appropriate behaviour. We knew it and ended up putting our Molly on a safe lead when we knew newcomers would arrive. That was a fate worse than death to Molly. She did not like leads of any kind. She was a free spirit and ‘tying her up’ even for short times or on walks would mean you were in for a tugging match. Believe me she was strong! A short 10 min walk could take an hour due to my having to stop every few steps to remind her I was leading the walk not her. Oh Molly! We put her on as long a lead as we could find and would also often drive to areas where Molly could be off lead for her exercise. She loved it and truthfully so did we. 

Ball play for Molly still on long leads until recall has been 100% guaranteed.
From left to right - Lady May, Princess Molly, King, Marchioness lil Molly
She learned impeccable stay and recall skills even with my inept training.
There is a 6 minute video of my inept training skills and how clever our Molly was here:
Molly's Training Begins
She never strayed further than she could spot us. We miss her every day and we’re thankful we’re over the painful hurt of her passing. Now we smile when we think of her and just shake our heads. 
Molly's first pack.Together at Rainbow Bridge now
Left to right Squire Seven, Princess Mia, Princess Molly, Duchess Sammy, King
Why do dogs have to leave us so soon.
I know, it’s like the little 6yr old boy explained, “People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life - like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?
Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay for as long as we do.”

We love you Princess Mollydawg. Say hi to everyone over The Bridge.
Mommy and Daddy sure miss you 💝

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Cooper's Day - Meeting with Lilly and The Countess

Cooper has being visiting a few times a week for a little while now. His mom and dad want him to feel comfortable here before there's a real need of overnight stays. The Countess and Lilly had finished their early morning fun times and were quietly resting indoors.
River - "Hey COOPER! When are you getting here?"
Lilly - "Hurry Cooper we want to play more."

When Cooper arrived he came straight to me happily jumping up. A behaviour I will usually rebuff with a backwards movement or turn away from. This day I reinforced it by bending down and giving cuddles. His dad says when he told Cooper they were coming to visit me, Cooper became excited. Yay Coops! I hope he believes things here pose no threat. Confidence, comfort level and security, yay!

Cooper - "Wait for me Lady, I'm coming too."

As dad drove away Cooper watched with only one short whimper. He had a relaxed body and wagging tail. I stepped away and called him, he turned and happily trotted up to me and then followed me to the top yard. There was no moment of running back to the gate for security. His focus was on the sights and smells of the yard and on me. Good boy Cooper. I’m winning your trust. 

Can we go in and see the others now please?

Indoors, the senior Countess River and the exuberant, almost 2 yr old, Lilly were in the living room separated to give Cooper maximum comfort meeting them. I allowed Cooper to say hello to the well socialized and seasoned senior River first. It gave Lilly an opportunity to watch the positive body language and see an appropriate interaction between the two and still have an opportunity to contain her excitement.
As I expected from River, she stayed calm and polite when Cooper approached the gate.

Cooper seemed reassured when River showed she was ready to meet him.

 It wasn’t long ago Lilly was the ‘newbie’ going through the same slow introduction process. Now it was her turn to learn to engage the newcomer in a safe, more relaxed mode. Lilly excelled! She showed 4 year old Cooper the respect he deserved and allowed him to say hello to her at his own pace. Well done girls, River and Lilly! I know your moms and dads are so proud of you both.

Cooper - "I see you and I need you to go slow please?"
Lilly - "Yes, yes, I will but can we just touch please?"

Lilly - "I'm being good right?"
Me -"Yes, You sure are Lilly. I'm very proud of you"

I kept a safety lead on Miss Lilly for a while outdoors as a precaution. One excited leap with her puppy paws could easily set Coopers trust back.

After polite greeting exchanges, Lilly, Cooper and The Countess
roamed back and forth all around the yard marking and remarking areas.
It didn’t take long for all three to be outdoors free of leads and collars to socialize and explore.

Cooper - "Hey River, wait up"
Lilly - "Wait for me too"
Cooper wandered, then followed and soon was staying close to the others and seeking them out as they played. He chose not to join in but made no attempt to run away when they began their romping. I’m hopeful he will soon feel confident enough to join in a controlled bout of play with another soon.

River - "Do you want to play too Cooper."
Cooper - "Ahh, no thank you, maybe another day."

Cooper - "Hey! Wait for me. I wanna come too."
River - "Hurry up then, or you'll miss it."
A few more days like this will hopefully allow him to relax even more. I’ll be watching for the right time and the right visitor to promote a safe, happy playtime for him. I feel like I’m gaining Sir Cooper’s trust and want to continue moving slowly in a forward motion. A backslide can easily undo all the positive gains he’s made to date.
Just dogs in the yard
Lilly, River and Cooper
Thank you to his mom and dad for allowing Cooper to visit and find his place in our extended pack. He's a little darling and his personality is truly shining through now.
I can't wait for his next visit.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Visit Us Again Soon Please

One of our regular visitors is moving out of town. We are so sad to see her leave. Of course she'll be more than welcomed back for a visit again any time at all!
Please join us as we say. "See you again soon" to 5 year old Khione. Just 4 years ago we welcomed this 19 month old, Husky to our extended pack. (July 26th 2020) A beautiful fluffy, white ball of fur.

When we first met, she was a guarded little girl but full of beans. She was clever and sometimes seemed a bit shy. She often asked for her space to get familiar with us and sometimes demanded to be left on her own. We obliged, and it didn't take very long for her to cozy right into our hearts.
She made fast friends with a few visiting dogs and was always eager to see them. Of course there were some who were a better fit with her, but she was a social girl and open to trying a play day with them all.
Her favourite visitors have long since moved away, but I sure remember a few of their play-days.

Her personalty, though truly unique, was so typical of her breed. An independent, humorous and very vocal girl.
When Khione arrived she always had a story to tell me. She would look me right in the eyes and begin her howls and yips and barks and 'rarr rar roooing' until she was content that I had heard her. Oh the stories she told!
Khione had a senior brother at home, so she was familiar with how to be respectful to our two seniors, Princess Molly and Lady May. They were not always interested in accepting newcomers but Khione soon won their approval. 

Lady May - "Send her away Molly."
Molly - "Naw, I think she's okay. She can stay."

Khione's favourite playmates were Miss Hazel, Sir Bentley, Miss Sadie, the Lovely Lupin, little Sage, Countess River and more recently Sir Bailey.
I remember Sage and Khione and their zooms around 'Cora' so well. Any others present were totally ignored, and better clear away. Even highly respected Sir Cash.

Miss Hazel spent many days doing zooms and playing tug with Khione. Oh how I laughed.

Khione often chose a buddy who loved the water as much as she did. Lupin, River and Sage certainly filled that bill.

Lupin - "Maybe we should ask for pool toys?"
Khione - "Naww, let's just swim."
Khione - "Hey, Sage? Wanna go out in the pool?"
Sage- "Oh sure, 'cuz I'm winning this game"

River - "Sometime I can catch bees floating in the water."
Khione - "I've seen 'em but I leave them alone."

Toy play over, naptime begins

Naptime was easy for Khione. She was always comfortable enough to find a special place to sleep. Often just where she lay. Other times and more recently she would seek out a dark, quiet, cool place. Preferably under something overhanging. Once I had spotted her, she would sneak away and find another more obscure spot.
One of her favourites was in the basement on the concrete floor of the pantry area. Even if I spotted her there, she never moved from under the table.
Khione - "Hello Lady, I see you found me."

I could sit with her, stroke her fur and speak quietly to her and just be with her. This was always a great time for brushing and chatting.
She simply stretched out a bit more, sighed and gave a quiet little "rarr roo" of approval. I will miss those times Khione.
I will miss brushing your gorgeous fluffy tail and seeing you so happy on a cold snowy day.
I know how much you love the cold Khione. The place you are moving to will have lots of that for you.

Khione has the most beautiful tail I'm sure I have ever seen.

Khione - "If only it could be wintertime all year round."
Sometimes at home time, this little girl would flop her body down on the ground close to her mom's feet and refuse to leave.  She had to be literally dragged along to the gate. She made me laugh arriving as well as leaving. I know of several occasions when she and her mom walked by our yard, Khione did the exact same thing. She flopped herself down on the roadside and refused to go past the house with out coming in. Oh Khione you are such a comic.

I'm not going home so stop calling me.
Be a good girl in your new home sweetheart. Listen to your mom and dad and stay close to their side. Take care of your (big) baby brother. Enjoy your adventures and new discoveries on your walks.

Please send us updates often of your new life and be sure to include photos.

Safe travels to you and your family.
We will sure miss you dear.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Welcome 2 year old Toba

4 months ago this beautiful 2 year old Shepsky (Shepherd/Husky cross) was adopted by her mom and dad after being through a string of rescue societies. She has finally landed in her happy forever home.
Welcome Miss Toba.
Due to mom's work schedule, Toba will be travelling with her back and forth between Burnaby and Lillooet.
Mom has been in frequent contact with me about getting daycare set up for Toba.
Between mom's back and forth schedule and the full days at Royal K9 Korner we've finally been able to make it happen.
Thank you for your patience mom!

Toba visited on a day that our Countess River was on site. There was no question about how well these two will get along. Toba was politely asking for play and River was responding very politely. 

I made the decision to keep them separate until we get to know Toba's play style better.
Mom tells me she loves to rough and tumble and zoom. I can think of a few other visitors who'll fit her play style perfectly, in time. 

Earlier this week Toba came for her first 4 hour visit. A beautiful day that allowed us to be outdoors for getting to know each other. Toba immediately found the squeaky she had played with at her M&G and several other plush toys to romp around with.
Toba - "Hey, this one smells like me! Can I keep it?"
Me - "You can keep it here and play with it whenever you visit sweetheart."

Toba is still working on her recall so we had some practice while we played. Toba is a jumper so a bit of a concern of mine.  If she decided to attempt to jump the fence line, mom said she would no doubt head home. Apparently she has run after deer in the past and always comes home.  I kept a long lead on her until I was certain there was zero separation anxiety and that I could keep her focused on staying in the yard.
She was as happy as a lark to stay with me and showed no signs of looking for a way to escape.
Whew! One check box ticked off. I'll be watching for her safety if the deer are passing by.

Indoors we went through all the areas she needed to feel comfort with. Listening to my voice, hearing the various different sounds of my house, responding to my signals and compiling with my requests.  Each time Toba was 100% attentive and completely comfortable and obliging. Her eyes were spot on me when I asked and she quickly responded with each request when she understood what to do.
The vacuum is of little concern to her, except that she would prefer not to be around it when it's working. Me neither Toba, I can certainly relate.

"Are you really going to turn that noisy thing on?
I was trying to play quietly here"

Toba and I played with several toys together on the porch and in the living room. She always allowed me to share it with her and was willing to let me take it from her in mid chew.

"These are great chew toys lady. Wanna share?"

At meal time she allowed me access to her bowl mid eating and even to temporarily take her bowl away. She will never have to worry about another dog having access to her bowl, or her space during eating time. It's great to know people are safe in her proximity during her eating time.

Toba was a big fan of the frozen veggie/fruit treats and gently took and ate every one I presented her.
"Is this PINEAPPLE? Wow I love pineapple! Thanks lady."

One of my indoor safety rules is for all dogs to wait patiently, no charging in front of me heading up or downstairs. Toba waited patiently for my all done signal. In fact she chose to have a little lay down while she waited. That suits me fine Toba. although I'm quite sure it won't happen when others are present. WTG Toba you're passing with flying colours.

"Is this gonna take long?
'Cuz I was kinda hopin' to go out"

"I don't understand why I can't just run out the door,
but, ok if you say so."
Toba eagerly followed me around the yard and was frequently choosing to come when called. I'm certain once she has visited a few times, her recall with me will improve. There were so many distractions and fun things to do, having to stop play and come running to this unknown lady was not high on her priority list this day.
We'll be working on that task on future visits. I may need her to STOP what she is doing and run to me immediately for a possible safety issue. One step at a time. Mom is working with her trainer on shaping up Toba's skills. It's very obvious how much she cares about Toba and keeping her safe.
Well done mom!
At the end of our 4 hours, Toba had crashed and was very ready to head home.
She is more than welcome back to visit us and I'm looking forward to finding a day for Toba to come to meet others in our extended Pack.
Welcome to Royal K9 Korner's Daycare Miss Toba!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Karma Day with Cooper

Cooper has been away for a while and is back now. He was having major dental work done. We’re so happy he’s healed up well enough to visit.
Cooper - "But my smile is still cute right?"

He managed to accept a few bits of a soft treat but really didn’t want any lunch. Dad says, that’s normal for Coops. He can be a bit fussy at mealtimes. It’s good to know it’s probably not from the dental work. During his visit he stayed fairly close to Karma most of the day.  
He seemed to get over the separation anxiety much quicker this time from when his dad dropped him off. Yay Cooper, as mom says, “Progress”

Cooper - "I'm just checking in case he shows up unexpectedly"
Karma - "Trust me, 'The Lady' will tell you when he's here"

Just after lunch, Miss Sadie stopped in for a quick hello. I wish I had my camera. It was so sweet to see her head up the stairs to see the boys, with her tail just a waggin' so happily.  I ran for my camera but was too late. Sadie's mom took this video for me from a distance. It's quite blurry but you can make out Sadie's tail wagging. She was so happy to see them. I hope they get a chance to be together one day soon.
A trio of cream coloured beauties.

The two little men had a relaxing kind of ‘follow me’ day. I was able to get more painting done while they sauntered the back yard. Cooper is not allowed off lead in the front yard yet. There is a small gap in the driveway gate that he can very easily fit through. So it's back yard only, unless on lead, and I’ll figure out a way to repair that gap. 

No one complained about being in the back yard all day

Cooper - "You should come in the sun and work on your tan"
Karma - "No thanks I like the cool shade.
Besides, I can see the cookies from here."

Cooper - "Do you s'pose my dad will forget about me?"
Karma - "Naw, he loves you and I can promise, 'The Lady' won't let that happen.
You should ask her for a treat"

Cooper will be back again next week during ‘Karma day’ and Bailey will join them. It’ll be a sleepover for those three. I can’t wait!
This weekend will be busy with Countess River, Bailey and the gorgeous black Bear. There's more painting planned and I wonder who’ll go home with splashes of white this time.
Oh my, two long furred black dogs!
I’m hopeful this will be the last of the painting this year.
I hope!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Welcome 5 year old Poppy

 5 Year old Poppy is an American Cocker Spaniel, and what a sweetie she is!

She came for her Meet & Greet one month ago in the middle of May. Yes, you're right I'm a wee bit behind in my updates. We finally found a day for her to return for her first 4 hour visit.
Thank goodness her mom is so patient.
It's a pleasure to have this little girl join us. She came flying through the gate with the happiness and anticipation of a youngster about to open Christmas presents. Wow, she jumped straight into my heart like gangbusters.
She's 30 lbs of wiggly love. Her breed traits certainly shone through. She's a brave little soul who was up to every challenge of the day.
Welcome Miss Poppy.

Poppy has already had an opportunity to meet with Sir Karma. He was here on the day of Poppy's M&G. It's been difficult to find days with no other dogs booked. Fortunately Karma seems unfazed by Poppy's presence and mom and I were able to go ahead.

Karma - "I hope she doesn't like cookies"
Poppy - "Hello Sir, can you show me the way to the water park please?"

Poppy is very much a water girl and her favourite past time is the sprinklers. She spent the better part of her first half hour with me zipping from sprinkler to sprinkler in the back yard. There was no stopping her and no sense trying. This was at the top of her list for fun things to do today. And that she did.

Woo Hoo I hope you don't run out of water lady! This is G-R-E-A-T!
Well, the water did end shortly after that. I simply turned off the tap in order to have Poppy turn her attention elsewhere. She's very compliant when the water is gone. We did my usual walk around the yard together with out her harness on. I know. It totally goes against my new dog rule. I couldn't figure out how to fasten it. Pfft dummy me. When mom arrived to pick Poppy up she showed me its a simple little draw string stopper. Oh good grief! Never mind, Poppy and I made out just fine with out a lead on. Her sniffer went into high gear and I'm certain there wasn't an inch of ground that was missed. What good little hunter traits.

I discovered Poppy is not big on recall and so we did a fair bit of - ' I call you, you run the other direction. I zip around and holler, and pretend I'm having so much fun with out you, then you come running to me and get a reward!' Oh man, my neighbours must think I've lost it!   It worked and by the end of the 4 hrs, Poppy's recall had improved. We'll do more on future visits.

"You better have a really good treat ready, if you expect me to come running when you call."
Poppy enjoys toys and when I brought out the red Jolly Egg, it was an instant hit!

I can't wait to find out if Karma and Poppy will play together with it.
She also loves stuffies and had fun choosing just the right one both indoors and out. We spent time sitting together talking and sorting through the bins.
She's a doll and has her little paws already in my heart.
Poppy - "Do I hafta have the little toys? I'd rather have bigger ones please."
Me - "Absolutely Poppy I agree, these toys are not a best fit for you."
Poppy was great when I asked her to wait before going outdoors or at the top of the stairs for me.
Her little legs can manage my big set of stairs easily. She chose to use the ramp when she headed out up from the basement door. Each time she waited to be given the 'all done' before she moved.
What a good girl! 
Poppy - "Can I come down yet?"
Me - "You sure can good girl Poppy!
All done."
Poppy - "I think I get this. I hafta stop until you say, "All done."
Me - "You are such a clever girl Poppy"
Poppy's mom sent along a set of bells for Poppy. She uses this signal when she needs to go out.
Thank you so much 'Mom'. I know it'll help both Poppy and me on her stay overs here.
I can't wait until she asks to go out.
Poppy - "You're s'posed to put them on a closed door lady."
Me - "I get it Poppy. I promise.
Poppy was very inquisitive
Poppy was super comfortable in the house and watched me closely for direction. With practise I have no doubt she's going to understand what I require in order to make her visits safe.

I do a lot of vacuuming and it's one of the areas I need to see the level of comfort in. Poppy paid no attention when I brought the vacuum out. When I switched it on, she simply made the decision to move away from it. No issues there. Great! Thank you Poppy.

Poppy - "I'll wait on the porch for you to finish lady."
Poppy's next visit will be to meet a new buddy. We have a day set up and I'm excited for it to happen. 
She's going to be a fun and easy going visitor. I'm so happy mom decided to choose us.

"I'm not quite ready to leave yet. Okay if I stay a little longer?"
Thank you for a fun day Poppy. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!