I think we always say, "Well that was the best Christmas ever!"
This year is a for-sure BEST EVER! We were all together!
There was a time shortly before Christmas Day when we thought it may not happen.
As most people know our big sister Duchess Sammy is not well. Christmas was almost not going to happen for her this year.
Her illness is progressing fast, but... she is hanging on to her happy self. We've made it past Christmas and Boxing Day and we're heading into the New Year!
I'll continue to post more as we go along.
We're staying positive and living one day at a time. Duchess continues to have a really good apetite, she still shows an interest in her toys, asks to go out to do her business, and she is sleeping through the nights. Mom uploaded a video to youtube so you can see for yourself how happy Duchess is to go play in the snow. I'll put it here for you to see. She may not stay out for very long but she is totally happy to be in the snow and munch on it.
The video was Published on Dec 29, 2012
The description reads ..."We're taking 'ít' day by day, based on how Duchess is feeling. We can see, and we know, her bone cancer is progressing quickly now. Her pain is still being managed by her meds. She continues to have fun days and we will not deprive her of them. She's still sleeping through the night, interested in her toys, drinking plenty of water, eating full meals and asking to go out to do her business. Check out that wiggly tail while she enjoys one of her simple pleasures...SNOW!
I've posted Christmas pictures on my Facebook.
Please feel free to stop by and have a look at them -
2012 Christmas Album
Have A Safe And Happy New Year. May Everyone You Love, Feel it, Have Warmth, Shelter, And a Hot Meal Each Day!
This blog is dedicated to our beloved Royal pack. Our leader, King, Our Precious Princess Molly. Our Darling Duchess Sammy and Our Sweetest Lady May. Four sets of paws reunited over Rainbow Bridge. They will Rule Forever more, in eternal peace and good health. So sadly missed and so lovingly remembered.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Mr. Lane's Class Talks About Animal Rescue and Turtle Gardens
Last Friday my mom had a chance to spend some time having an open discussion with Mr. Lane's gr.4 class. She was so impressed with how well they listened. They were all extremely quiet and respectful. They asked some really good questions, gave some very thoughtful ideas, and talked about some concerns they had. They had a chance to read a few blogs and even left a few comments. Mom says these children are part of our future and will be the ones who determine what happens in animal care. I am so happy that they are taking an interest in learning better ways to treat animals. Including the importance of having all their pets spayed or neutered.
During their conversation, they did what's called a "WE KNOW - WE WONDER - WE LEARNED"
I'd like to put it here so you can see what they came up with. They hope that they will have a chance to work on it more because they said they think there's still lots to learn. It sounds like they ran out of time but mom hopes they will continue again soon. In the mean time I want to say thank you to all the children who had a chance to write to me. Ive read all your comments and will reply to you soon. Some of you forgot to leave your name so I don't know who you are. I did get a comment from Sirrus and Katie Raine so Thank you very much to you both :-) That was sweeeeet!
Oh yea and guess what else?! There are 24 students in this class and every day, everyone of them votes for Turtle Gardens in the PetFinder challenge. NOW Thats AWSOME !!
WE WONDER - I will try to answer these in my next blog for you.
Animal Rescue
During their conversation, they did what's called a "WE KNOW - WE WONDER - WE LEARNED"
I'd like to put it here so you can see what they came up with. They hope that they will have a chance to work on it more because they said they think there's still lots to learn. It sounds like they ran out of time but mom hopes they will continue again soon. In the mean time I want to say thank you to all the children who had a chance to write to me. Ive read all your comments and will reply to you soon. Some of you forgot to leave your name so I don't know who you are. I did get a comment from Sirrus and Katie Raine so Thank you very much to you both :-) That was sweeeeet!
Oh yea and guess what else?! There are 24 students in this class and every day, everyone of them votes for Turtle Gardens in the PetFinder challenge. NOW Thats AWSOME !!
Turtle Gardens helps dogs become healthy, good dogs
We can Vote – to win $$s for dogs so they can be helped in their struggles
TG helps lost dogs find homes
TG began in 1988
Owners are Dave & Yvette Labatte
Located in Topley BC
WE WONDER - I will try to answer these in my next blog for you.
Do TG Dogs go to the United States?
Does U.S. vote for TG?
Does U.S. send dogs to TG?
Do TG dogs go to different provinces?
Does Lillooet have a rescue society?
How many dogs does TG get in one day?
Animal Rescue
No Kill
ACO Animal Control Officer sometimes brings some lost dogs
TG Rescues
TG Rehabilitates
TG Rehomes - Adoption/Fosters
Saturday, November 10, 2012
We Have the Best Daddy in the World!
Every day for the last month or so my mom and dad have taken turns carrying my big sister, Duchess Sammy out of the house and down the porch stairs to the yard. She's way to week and wobbly to do it by herself but she still loves to be outside for some fresh air an a teeny bit of exercise.
The haven't complained but I know my sister is no skinny minnie. It would only be a matter of time before someone tripped or stumbled with the dear ole girl in their arms and down they both went to Duchess Sammy's demise. The weather is turning colder and snow and ice will soon be covering the steps. I've heard mom and dad talking about a safer method of transporting Duchess out of the house for her potty breaks etc. Today my daddy turned the plan into a reality.
I'm so proud of him and what's he's done for Duchess. I know that she still has some good days and can wobble her way alone but this will help her to come back in when she's stayed too long outdoors. Sometimes she gets so involved nibbling on fallen berries that she stays untill her old sore legs give out and she has to lay down. Then she's too tired to walk the short length back to the house.
Dad has almost completed the ramp for her and says he can finish it tomorrow in the daylight again. It's sHe's also building a sort of wagon type trolley for her to be hauled back up the ramp AND into the house. My dad is the SMARTEST DAD IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. I LOVE YOU DAD!
Here's a look at what he was able to get done today. I'll post more pictures as he finishes Duchess' transportation.
The haven't complained but I know my sister is no skinny minnie. It would only be a matter of time before someone tripped or stumbled with the dear ole girl in their arms and down they both went to Duchess Sammy's demise. The weather is turning colder and snow and ice will soon be covering the steps. I've heard mom and dad talking about a safer method of transporting Duchess out of the house for her potty breaks etc. Today my daddy turned the plan into a reality.
I'm so proud of him and what's he's done for Duchess. I know that she still has some good days and can wobble her way alone but this will help her to come back in when she's stayed too long outdoors. Sometimes she gets so involved nibbling on fallen berries that she stays untill her old sore legs give out and she has to lay down. Then she's too tired to walk the short length back to the house.
Dad has almost completed the ramp for her and says he can finish it tomorrow in the daylight again. It's sHe's also building a sort of wagon type trolley for her to be hauled back up the ramp AND into the house. My dad is the SMARTEST DAD IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. I LOVE YOU DAD!
Here's a look at what he was able to get done today. I'll post more pictures as he finishes Duchess' transportation.
Friday, November 9, 2012
November and Im Grateful for My Sisters
We've had alot of mishaps and misfortuntes the last few months. We've been able to struggle over and through most of them.
This one has hit us veryhard and Im worried about how we'll carry on.
Our big sister Duchess is not very healthy. She has had severe arthritis for many months now and her last Dr.s appointment yeilded some verydisturbing news. She now has bonecancer and worse yet, . . . it has spread into her lungs. She was taking Deramax for her arthritis and pain relief but now is on Tramadol twice a day as well.
Our hearts hurt for her. We love her. She has become the part of our family we had been looking for. She completes us. There is the reason we are fighting so hard along side of her to keep her strong and beside us.
She deserves to have our extra strength. It's what we would want for us, and there is nothing that will come between us. So today as any other day has begun the last few months, we carry her outside for a bit of fresh air and a piddle. She slowly wobbles to the mountain ash tree with me and we nibble the fallen berries like we did the first winter she arrived. When we've had our fill, daddy will carry her back to the house and onto her mat by the heat vent and tehre she will sleep until mom comes home to repeat the process over again.
On days when the ground is damp and cold mom will place your comfy mat on your plastic sheet so you can rest in the sun in comfort.
We Love you Duchess Sammy and we are by your side!
Duchess lays with her sore leg facing the heat vet
This one has hit us veryhard and Im worried about how we'll carry on.
Our big sister Duchess is not very healthy. She has had severe arthritis for many months now and her last Dr.s appointment yeilded some verydisturbing news. She now has bonecancer and worse yet, . . . it has spread into her lungs. She was taking Deramax for her arthritis and pain relief but now is on Tramadol twice a day as well.
Our hearts hurt for her. We love her. She has become the part of our family we had been looking for. She completes us. There is the reason we are fighting so hard along side of her to keep her strong and beside us.
She deserves to have our extra strength. It's what we would want for us, and there is nothing that will come between us. So today as any other day has begun the last few months, we carry her outside for a bit of fresh air and a piddle. She slowly wobbles to the mountain ash tree with me and we nibble the fallen berries like we did the first winter she arrived. When we've had our fill, daddy will carry her back to the house and onto her mat by the heat vent and tehre she will sleep until mom comes home to repeat the process over again.
On days when the ground is damp and cold mom will place your comfy mat on your plastic sheet so you can rest in the sun in comfort.
We Love you Duchess Sammy and we are by your side!
Duchess lays with her sore leg facing the heat vet
Friday, September 21, 2012
Please help a Fellow TG dog in need of surgery.
Follow the link below to DONATE NOW!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Where did Nov. - Feb. go!
Yipes! I can't believe this is the March already!
I'm feeling pretty good these days. On some days I can feel my body slowing down a bit. When our little 2 year old Shepherd friend Mia, comes for a visit, she tires me out faster these days. My ears are showing much more white now and my coat is no longer that rich Ginger color it used to be. I now show more of a dusted tone. My mom and dad don't care, they still love me so much. They keep my heart feeling young. Princess MollyDawg does the job of keeping my muscle tone up to snuff. She runs circles around me and I love to chase and play with her. We've really become the best of buddies. Our bond has grown so strong. Mom says she can see it all to clear in how we play together. We don't always lay together, but we are always close. Molly likes to be the bossdog and that's okay with me. I lived as bossdog long enough and Im happy to let someone else take that role.
I'm still keeping busy helping Yvette out on her www.turtlegardens.org blog. I invite you to follow her blog and read about how life goes on day to day in the home of the Labatte's and their rescues. Please help us support them by donating even a little of what ever you can. https://www.canadahelps.org/DonationDetails.aspx?cookieCheck=true
I'm feeling pretty good these days. On some days I can feel my body slowing down a bit. When our little 2 year old Shepherd friend Mia, comes for a visit, she tires me out faster these days. My ears are showing much more white now and my coat is no longer that rich Ginger color it used to be. I now show more of a dusted tone. My mom and dad don't care, they still love me so much. They keep my heart feeling young. Princess MollyDawg does the job of keeping my muscle tone up to snuff. She runs circles around me and I love to chase and play with her. We've really become the best of buddies. Our bond has grown so strong. Mom says she can see it all to clear in how we play together. We don't always lay together, but we are always close. Molly likes to be the bossdog and that's okay with me. I lived as bossdog long enough and Im happy to let someone else take that role.
I'm still keeping busy helping Yvette out on her www.turtlegardens.org blog. I invite you to follow her blog and read about how life goes on day to day in the home of the Labatte's and their rescues. Please help us support them by donating even a little of what ever you can. https://www.canadahelps.org/DonationDetails.aspx?cookieCheck=true
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