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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hoss and Puppy Festus Came For A Visit!

Oh what fun we had! 18 month old Festus came bounding through the gate with the same exhilaration as before. Every tree, every bench, every garden statue and leaf gave him a new burst of energy and off he zoomed to the far side of the yard. Any other dog that happened to be in his way was a cause for even greater excitement. The possibility of PLAY was overwhelming!! Oh to be a puppy again!
Festus - "Hi! Wanna ZOOM with me?"
Princess MollyDawg - "No thanks. I'm grasshopper hunting"

His 6.5 yr old big brother, Hoss, entered with aged style and grace. He did his yard walk and selected his vantage point to oversee what was going on. It was as though he knew to stay clear of Festus' zoom path until he was fully ready to join in. He seemed to know he had no alternative but to stay in the yard this time. There was no open van door for him to climb in. Mom was gone.
Hoss decides it's okay to be here since mom isn't coming back for awhile.
Hoss finds a great vantage point that's safe from his brothers ZOOMIES!

Once everyone had their fill of play Hoss asked to go indoors. On his last visit he wasn't sure about being in the house with us. Did he know this would be a place where mom would leave him for awhile? Of course we don't know, but we sure can wonder.   On his previous visit, he chose to go back in the van while mom and Festus came in.  So, this time, as soon as he asked, I made sure to open up and bring them in. He did his walk through like it was a M&G day.  Perfect! When every room had been checked out he found a cozy spot and settled down. Then he up and found another cozy spot and settled down, then another and yet another. Good boy Hoss, There's plenty of spots for you to relax. Check everything buddy. That's what we want!
This spot might not be the best for resting
Ahh, a bit of cool floor on the tummy
Hoss finds a good resting spot.
Festus continued to have a fun time in the house. He found the toy box and made sure to test each one.  Lady May was not feeling particularly pleased with his exuberance so we gave her a safe place to lay. The Princess was ready for quiet time so she chose a mat in the safety area. They could still watch the activity but from a safe distance. When two big boys are exploring the house it just seems best. 
LadyMay - "Are you gonna leave stinky boy breath on my toys?"
"Yup and the porch toys too!"

Check out the tongue. I'd say he had fun!
 Of all the places to lay for resting, Festus finally decided on the smallest and squeezed in for a lay dawn. Good boy Festus. You only have a half hour now before mommy comes back for you.
The Bernie brothers wait to go out. Good boys!
These two delightful brothers will be back in a few weeks for an afternoon previsit. We're hoping our weather holds out so they can fully enjoy the yard again before being "confined" indoors.

Thanks for the visit.  See you soon Boys!
You can check out their facebook album here- Hoss and Festus


sobe said...

Oh my goodness all those toys to check out!
I love the bandanas they are sporting, with their names on it and everything!

Lady May said...

Thanks Aunty Caroline
Our mom is making then with hi vizabitee reflektivs so she can see uz all at nite time. It so drk so rly now.