Royal K9 Korner Facebook

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

It's been a Full Summer for Sure!

We are continuing to Stay Safe and follow the outlined COVID-19 safety procedures for reopening to new intakes. We've had our regulars back visiting and a few newcomers to our daycare. It's beginning to look "normal" around our yard again. We'd like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone for all your understanding of our changes in system during this time. We are beginning to relax some of our procedures and ask that you bare with us a while longer until we can fully lift all restrictions. With your help we will get through this scary time safely!
We will soon be welcoming a few newcomers and I hope to get them posted in the next blog.

We're finally enjoying some good ole fashion hot Lillooet weather! Yay Summer!! It was a long time coming and we are doing our best not to complain. Just relish the opportunity to have fun in the sun or chill in the house by the A/C  The dogs are having a blast outdoors in the pool, taking advantage of the shade or soaking up a full load of Vit. D. in the HOT Lillooet Sunshine.

I know it's taken me forever to get around to finally posting a blog. I'm going to try to be quicker on the updates. Is this a New Years resolution? Gee I hope not 'cuz I will have failed.
In the meantime here are some photos I've taken over the last while.
I'll try to find a minute to get some posted to our Facebook albums. I Promise!

When it's just too hot for outdoors

lil Molly: "Hey! Are you following me?"
Hazel: "Nope not me"

When is River gonna visit?

Hazel & lil Molly check out who's been here

Hazel - "When ur done resting can we go in the pool please?"

It seems to take forever to fill the pool each morning. These girls just cant wait!

We have our bath station all set up and ready.
Notice the dogs have all disappeared?"

Miss Hazel just chillin by the A/C
This beats bath time hands down!

Lil Suzy Q and Hazel checking the warmth of the concrete

First thing in the morning and Sir Bentley is already beat!

Hazel and Sadie enjoy the A/C

Miss Sadie having a good laugh at Hazel having to wear a harness and lead.
Yep, Miss Hazel's recall was a bit "off" that day

Nothing like a great game of TUG!

lil Molly let's the youngsters enjoy the pool

Miss Hazel and Miss Sadie waiting for others to arrive

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