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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

January is Walking Out The Door

We're into the last week of Jan and the month of February is starting to fill up.  Our visitors haven't flooded us but they've been steady.  We've welcomed Khione and completed a Meet 'n Greet with a new boy, Cash. We've had contact from Lupin's mom and she's eager for Lupin's spay so she can visit soon.
Our 12 yr old Marchioness lil Molly has been going through a few health issues but is back on her feet and happy to visit. So good to see you feeling better dear lil Molly.

Marchioness lil Molly - " It's ball time now, right?!"
We hadn’t seen our Countess River since last May, so when she visited we were over the moon! It was well over due! She spent a day meeting Khione and even had a sleep over.
Welcome Back sweet Countess!

Countess River - " Wow, you have NEW TOYS~ I love them!"

River used her meeting with Miss Khione as an opportunity to show, she holds a position in our realm. River is a no longer the young new comer. She is a 4 year old now and is letting the young ones know, she has some rank and is asking to be respected.
Sharing toys does not come easy for River, but she definitely shows patience when she's pestered. She's turning into a great teacher. Well done Countess River.
Miss Hazel and lil Suzy Q were also here when River visited. River had a great opportunity to ask for respect. Even if it mostly went by the wayside with them.
Polite trying though Countess.

Countess River - "You have to listen to me, Ok? Cuz I'm a Countess"
Miss Hazel - "Ya, ok. Whatever"

Miss Suzy Q - "This is my Grandpa and he says I come first before you.
Countess River - "Well, okay but I get to choose the toys first ok?"

Searching through the toys for River can be a difficult decision. There are quite a few new ones to choose from.  A few older ones were thrown out during her absence and choosing a new best toy can take some time. Hazel finds a toy much quicker and sits patiently waiting for River to make her choice. She's so funny!
Sometimes a good game of hide 'n seek and chase are way better than toys!
These two are great for that game!

When they play indoors, River will hold onto a toy to keep it safe. If someone pesters her to share it, she politely ignores them. Sometimes she'll take it into a crate so there's less chance of someone pestering her. Hazel is very persistent, but patiently waits for River to indicate she's done with the toy before she takes it. If it takes to long for River to relinquish a toy, Hazel simply heads off to find another one that's just as good!  Nice manners on both parts.
It's funny to see the reverse happen, when River wants a toy that's already in someones possession.  She's very clever at the waiting game, even with a persistent Miss Hazel trying her best to evoke some play.
Hazel - "Awww come on River, please play with me."
River - "If  you walk away I might." 
She will indeed claim it. Sneaky little girl Riv. Pretty sneaky lol
When inside toy time begins to bore, it's time to head outdoors for a game of Hazel's favourite game of chase 'n tug.  It's a great way to practise their sharing and gives an opportunity to release any extra energy. Go girls go!

When River and her mom came to meet with Khione, she really only wanted to focus on finding a spot to bury her new found little toy.  Khione tried very hard to entice her into a good game of chase. River was far too focused on one of the new little squeaky toys. Although she did run and play a wee bit, it was mostly a game of keep away. She wanted no part of Khione at all. The new toy was just too delicious to share and had to be buried.

Keep trying Khione. You're going to find the right play partner soon. We know it'll happen one day. We're just being patient while the others get to know the "new kid" and allow her into their fold with open paws. Khione's mom is hopeful she can schedule weekly visits for her. We're sure it'll mesh with a playmate soon.

In the meantime she's learning that not all playtime is zoom and go crazy time. Sometimes just chillin' in the house or yard is okay too. Lady May and little Miss Suzy Q are doing a great job teaching her that just walking around checking things out is cool too. They're still keeping a distance during playtime, but they are definitely allowing her closer.
You're a delightful little girl Khione and we're very happy you're joining our extended pack!

Rest well sweet Khione, your mom will be here for you soon.
Cash came for a Meet 'n Greet! He's a very layed back, good boy. We're excited!
His previsit is scheduled for Feb 3rd. He'll be meeting with Miss Hazel that day.
We cant wait!
Approx. 8 years old - Cash

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