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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Hazel and Khione at play

Some dogs seem to match up quickly and perfectly. That's how it is with Hazel and young Khione. They are developing a wonderful friendship. When Hazel arrives, Khione is 'Super Psyched' to greet her. If you think you can minimize her excitement by keeping them separate until she calms, fergit it! That might seem like a way to do it but honestly, it feels mean. Hazel is a pretty sturdy girl and handles young Khione's exuberance very well. In less than a minute they're off and running in a cooperative chase me, catch me, body slam me game. It goes on and on in varying degrees through out the day.

They take time out to eat their lunch and then to relax while their food digests. Easy paced playtime is allowed but napping is encouraged.

The sleepies are setting in

Naptime is very important to a good friendship
Then they're back at it until its home time.
Come on Khione, Let's go RUN!

The last one to be picked up waits by the gate. I know it's for mom. I often wonder if it's in hopes the friend will reappear. Don't worry sweetie a friend will be here tomorrow for you to play with.

Where's all my friends?

Seriously, if you've ever seen a dog that has a face for expression, Hazel is the one! 

Honestly sweetie, I promise a friend will be here for you tomorrow!
Hazel - "But, what if they forget?"

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