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Friday, July 1, 2022

Good Morning July. Come on in!

I looked at my calendar this morning and said to daddy, “Is June really finished?” Well, that’s it then. we’re halfway through the year 2022. July is here.
I’ve been waiting for what seems like forever for July to roll in. Our camping trip is only 2 weeks away. Please be sure to mark your calendars. Royal K9 Korner will be closed from July 21- August 1st.

We had a bit of a change for July daycare and a couple of newcomers we’re hoping to introduce. The first change is our scheduled meeting with little visitors, sweet Pixie, and her brother Chico, all the way from Oregon USA. They needed to cancel because their daddy cannot travel. He did some damage to his tendon! Ow daddy take care and heal well. We look forward to possible daycare in the future. 

This month we have set up a M&G with Mr. Walter. He is approx. 5-years-old and a new big brother for little Suzy Q. So we’ve already met Walter with his dad a few times. He hasn’t needed day care, until now. We are looking forward to future visits as he gets to know our extended pack. He’s possibly going to spend a day with Sir Cash and Sir Henry later in the month for a private meeting.
Oh BOY! Let the good times roll! 

lil Molly (RIP) meets with Walter at his home in early May
Another new potential visitor is 6-month-old Miss Lista (pronounced, Leesta) Earlier in the year, she was adopted by the mom and dad of our late Baroness, Miss Mylu (RIP) Lista has poured her love into their lives and is a welcomed addition to their hearts. We had a special invitation to meet with Lista at her home last weekend. Thank you for the lovely visit, Vivian, and Ian. Lista is currently enrolled in an extensive training program. She’s a beauty for sure and obviously an extremely smart girl! 
6 month old Lista at home sporting her new bowtie
Photo courtesy of Vivian and Ian. Thank you for sharing
Along with Lady May, we had our Countess River visiting that day. We knew there would be a lot of excitement and chose to allow ‘our girls’ to meet Lista only through the safety of the open window of our truck. Due to our spay/neuter policy Lista will not be visiting until her spay is complete. That will happen when she is closer to two yrs old. We look forward to the day when Lista can truly enjoy a more relaxed and fun playtime with our extended pack.
Congratulations Vivian and Ian. She’s a lucky girl to have found a place in your hearts! 
Lista demonstrating her calm greeting skills when we arrived.
What a good girl!
Although it will be awhile until she is here for daycare, we are looking forward to welcoming her after her spay. Keep up the great work on your training exercises!

This month we have days booked for Sir Henry, Cash, Sage, Khione and Miss Suzy Q. I know we'll have a wonderful time. The sun is coming out and the pools are set up.

Remember to mark your calendars. Royal K9 Korner will be closed from July 21- August 1st.


Anonymous said...

Very happy Lista met Del & family: look forward to future visits:💕with Royal K9; vbj

Anonymous said...

A place with a pool, she may never want to come home. She is looking forward to many more visits.