We’ve had a great 2 weeks! We took ‘Cora’ out, saw family, took day trips and slept in.
Just 2 days after closing our gates, we loaded up 'Cora' and set off down the highway.
Heading off to Mission via Hwy 12 heading towards Lytton
The day was cool but promised sunny skies later in the day. We didn't care we were off to visit friends and family come rain or shine.
Thank you for your hospitality. If only we lived closer, we could 'do coffee' every morning together.
We parked 'Cora' for a few days and enjoyed the company of our family
and their furries.
Kitties- Mouse, Bebe and Teddy. Very different than we're used
to back home but just as loving and cuddly for sure.
It was
wonderful to visit with my sister and her family once again. It seems
like ages ago. We relaxed and giggled and planted some flowers. We ate
well and slept in every morning. What a great visit!
A new planter created as a memory of sisters visiting together 💗
I find it difficult to remember the gender of cats. For some reason they all seem female to me.
Go figure eh?
I know (I think) two of my loving sister's kitties are male (I think)
and one is a girl.
I think Teddy's a boy, right sis?
I'm pretty sure
Mouse is also male. Although he certainly seems female to me. So Bebe is
the girl?
I hope. Or is it two girls and one boy? Hmmm I have to re ask
again. Sorry sis.
Mouse - "I am NOT a girl"
Before long it was time to hit the road again and off to Hope we journeyed.
A Beautiful day with Beautiful friends at The Owl Street Cafe in Hope BC
We reunited with old friends and met a beautiful new buddy. Mr. Benji. What a
darling boy! He's a two year old border collie cross who has happily
landed with our good friend Paula from Delta.
It was great to visit
again after so many years. Why does time keep moving along so fast?
Benji, you have landed in a perfect Happy Ever After home!
Benji enjoyed relaxation in 'Cora' while we
enjoyed a luncheon together at our favourite restaurant
The Owl
Cafe in Hope BC.
We dropped our table and made a perfect resting place for Benji
We could have gabbed for days but time keeps on ticking and we
had to get back home soon. I can't wait for our next visit. Tell your mom
Benji, Lillooet is waiting for your visit!
Once back home our yard-work continued.
Last year's hedge roots waiting to be removed
We worked to remove the old hedge roots and debris. What a job! We
reorganized the lawn furniture, did weeding, and planted grass seed. Pruned trees and I even mowed the lawns. Our main goal is to get our yard and pool area back up to a
clean summer fun area. There are still several things to do, but
we’re on the road to completion now.
In between working I even went shopping! That's a big wow! I saw people I haven't seen for ages. I had real people conversations! In real people language! No doggie talk! We took a day for a road trip and enjoyed the beauty of Lillooet. Gorgeous days filled with a glorious sunny sky. I felt like a dog off lead and free to run. It's been great!
Duffy Lk road heading back home
The yard work is not going away any time soon. Oh man. Never ending, eh? Next up is to clean out the carport and the gazebo, where everything has landed
during the reorganizing process. For now things are a big mess!
What a mess!
So I’ve rediscovered, I’ll only take a break from the laborious task of yard work if I'm not home, or I have dogs around.
Guess who came to visit while we were 'closed'? Yay to Karma and Bailey and Sadie and Peaches. Such a happy diversion from yardwork!
My yard gates were blocked off and certain areas are marked as unsafe areas. Karma and Bailey stayed overnight. They didn't seem to mind the blocked off areas.
Bailey - "Ermm, 'scuz me Lady, but why is this gate closed?
Bailey - "There must be some mistake. You don't mean me? Do you Lady?"
Well, maybe Bailey minded. Much to his dismay there was limited play
areas and toys. After all, I am technically closed and its my relaxation
time. Sorry buddies.
When I rest, everyone rests.
Sadie and Peaches also came across the street for a quick hello. Such sweeties. They often say hi to me when they’re on their porch and this time they actually were allowed to come in the yard to have a quick sniff around. I got my cuddles and loves and off they went on their walkies. They were a fantastic break from my back aches from weeding. I didnt have my camera on hand but they have plans to visit us again for a few days in July.
It'll be a fun 3 days for sure.
Sadie & Peaches at home waiting for a visit across the street.
Guess who else we went to visit? Two of my
favourite border collies, Sir Bentley and his brother Oskar. Oh, how
I’ve missed those two happy ball dogs! Thanks for the fun ball time
boys. Thanks for letting me say hello and throw the ball for them mom. You sure made my heart glow.
Bentley - "Put your camera down lady. Throw the ball." Oskar - "Ya hurry, do it now!"
An easy decision on what's more relaxing, playing with dogs or doing yard work. Thank goodness.
I’m putting away my rakes and shovels and wheelbarrow. Well, not too far away.
I’m nowhere near finished the yard work.
Two weeks off and I’m ready for a break!
Royal K9 Korner is open for dog visitors again.
This weeks schedule reads, Karma, Chip & Maggie and Bailey & Ruby and Kaia and Kona. Ellie is scheduled to return starting in May.
Get ready! Here we go.