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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Eight Dogs A Week - Just Right.

Miss Sadie was the first of eight visitors the first week after my time off.  She is so lovely.  I see Sadie every day from across the road. She is always happy to greet me and she always asks to come over to say hello. Sadie is now into the late stages of osteoarthritis. It was so nice to have her join me as I puttered around in the yard.We had ample time together for cuddling and chatting and just being close.

She followed me around and found a cozy place to lay while I worked close by. If there was a small bit of shade, it was her first choice. Other wise she found a cozy place on a blanket I had laid out for her earlier.
Sadie is only 8 yrs old but her pain is becoming difficult to manage. Her mom has frequent contact with her vet and has Sadie on a very good pain management schedule. We hope she feels better soon.

She really just wants to rest these days but is always happy to have a buddy to saunter the yard with. Fortunately for her, Sir Karma had booked his visit at the same time. Another buddy always brings a smile to Miss Sadie. One who is more her energy level is always a good day for her.
Sadie - "We don't have to run or zoom do we lady?"
Me - "No sweetie you can just take it easy today."
Karma - "But we can if we want to.Right?"
Karma is also feeling the aches and pans of arthritis these days. His happy disposition still shines through whenever he visits. Having a buddy like Sadie to hang out with was just fine by him.
Karma - "I feel good today. Maybe you should give me a cookie? Do you agree Sadie?" 
Once Sadie had returned home Karma was content to lay and wait for the next visitors.
He didn't have to wait long. The very next day Mr Chip and his sister Maggie arrived.This visit proved to be more positive than the previous one. Chip was more accepting of Karma this visit and even allowed him to approach Maggie.
Chip- "But you have to play nice with her okay? She's just a girl."
Karma - "Does she like cookies?"

Maggie - "Whad d'ya mean, I'm just a girl? I'll out run the likes of you two in a heartbeat!"
Chip offered a good game of chase and Karma readily accepted it.  I thought I had my camera on video mode, but. . .  well you can see... Of course... drat!  I only caught the tail end of the play as a photo instead. ...sigh...
Karma - "Hey! Wait up! My leggies don't go that fast!
Chip- "That's an old man excuse Sir Karma. Just admit it! I'm faster!"
Dogs 5 and 6 last week were my good pals Bailey and Ruby. These two haven't seen each other since the beginning of March. They were super ready for a playday. The weather was cooperating and after a short,  "Hello, how are ya!" in the house we spent pretty much the rest of the day outdoors.
Bailey - "We're done saying hello now Lady."
Ruby, "Ya, we are. Can we go out now PLEEASE?"
I spent most of the day working in the yard while these two ran from area to area. Always with a toy in tow or being tugged between them. They stopped only when I called, "Take a break" Then it was back at it for the next round. Bailey will have two more of his favourite tug buddies in May. He'll be super happy and pleasantly surprised when he sees who's returning for playdates. Stay tuned...

I thought it might be nice for them to have the pool to cool off in after a round of tug. Instead they used it as a drinking bowl. That's fine by me, what ever works. I just continued to get my yard work done.

By the time they went home I had almost completed the pool area and set out the gazebo dog bed ready for the next visitors. Kaia and her brother Kona.
No more leaves to rake and hedge to prune. I am SO HAPPY!
They took no time at all to find the shady spot in the gazebo.
Our late Duchess Sammy's trolley was converted into a day bed a few years ago. It's always a favourite spot to lay and not often left empty.
Kona - "It has a blue blankie so it's for me. Right Lady?"

Kaia - "Nice try blockhead. I had it first."
Sometimes a brother and sister have to take turns. It would seem Kaia always get first dibs. She's just older and wiser and knows what feels best.
Kaia - "That's right. Right now this pool feels best, so go find a ball Kona!"
Kona - "But I wanna drink"
Kaia and Kona are really a wonderful pair of siblings. They have a delightful bond. Even though Kona can be a bit of a pain of a brother. That's what brothers do. He's young and loves his sister. If only she would give him the toys first!   I love their visits and being the only dogs on site allows me to see their true personalities shine through.
Kona - "But you love me more. Right Lady?"

I love you both Kona. Now go to sleep. It'll be home time tomorrow.
I think I like only having 2 or 3 dogs at a time. It allows me to stay closer to them and I can still do my daily chores.  That may mean I am turning visitors away but I believe the quality of care can continue longer. Plus, maybe I will retain more energy? Who am I kidding? Well perhaps it's a new goal??

May is upon us and it's another full month.
We have plans to see young Miss Lilly again and also Miss Ellie has returned from her time away! We're excited to have both as well as Ruby again as day visitors for Bailey!
Also booked are Karma, Chip & Maggie and the little toughie Nugget will join us!
We have a new comer setting up for a Meet & Greet and we can't wait to meet her!
I hope you'll come back to see how we make out.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

All these photos are sooooo cute!!!! Whether they're playing or cuddling or fast asleep sunny side up, you sure take care of the most adorable dogs in the universe ❤️

(Also, you caught the "tail end" of Karma chasing Chip? I see your pun!)