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Monday, April 29, 2019

Royal K9 Korner is Almost Open For Business

 We have thoroughly enjoyed our down time over the last two weeks.  There's only 2 days left until its back to the dog care. We did so much it's hard to remember it all. We took drives and went for walks. The walks had to be extremely short ones due to The Royals leg conditions, but the smells and sniff arounds were amazingly fun. We stayed over night in Kamloops and shopped till we dropped.  I slept in for as long as the Royal Princess would let me. There was actually some mornings when we didnt have to be up till 6:30! Wow ! Thank you Princess MollyDawg!

The Princess- "Go away mommy it's too early!"
I had time to get the yard and gardens in shape and renew some much needed fencing. We had one emergency dog come during our closure. Miss Mylu, who you may recall is prone to seizures, needed a short day of day care. Fortunately for her mom and dad it fell on a day when we were scheduled to be home and could tend to her needs. She stayed very close to me and even helped while I mowed the lawn for the very first time this year.

Mylu - "Go around me please. I'm not moving."
 I took extra time to  brush and clean the ears and teeth of The Royals. The baths will follow as soon as the weather is a bit warmer.  Yes Princess MollyDawg, you too my dear!

I dug old gardens and replanted a few clumps and bulbs. I'm looking forward to heading over to Desert Hills with a friend, for bedding plants, one day in the near future. I still have a few more beds to dig and replant. I need to organize my patio baskets and add fresh soil and fertilizer.
Lady May watched throughout my chores. She was a very good girl and only decided I was done, after I'd put the shovel away. 
Lady May - "I'm exhausted mommy! If only it would stay weed free."
I shampooed my carpets and dusted the entire house. Wow, I found dog hair in places you could never imagine! I've heard of dust bunnies before, who knew there are also dust puppies!  I still have a few more corners downstairs to get at.
I washed windows and caught up on dog mats and beds laundry.  My "dog shelves" are full again and the outdoors relaxing crates are almost ready for summer. 
A few more mats still being laundered
We had a wonderful time on Easter when our grandchildren came to hunt eggs and enjoy the sunshine. Of course Sir Muffin came along as well. What a good boy he's becoming.

Muffin- "Im egg hunting too!"
 My wonderful daughter and daughter in law made sure everything was taken care of for meals. We had a fabulous veggies, scalloped potatoe and ham dinner with lemon meringue pie for desert. YUM! Thank you Kathi! 💖
Thank you so much for breakfast the next morning Gina💖
Yummy bacon & eggs and fried potatoes. It was followed by dinner that day of a scrumptious pasta and hamburger meal.
I didn't have to think about cooking all weekend. I love my girls  I enjoyed being with my grandchildren with not a care at all. 🐇
Brooke in deep concentration.
Egg painting is pretty serious work!

1 1/2 yr old Lucas finds his very first Easter egg
I laughed and played and had "BatBoy come for a visit! Yes, it was warm enough that we just had to bring out a little tub of bubbly fun.

Thank you Easter Bunnies for hiding the eggs for us!
Wow! Those Easter Bunnies 🐇
sure know how to put together a basket!

I feel well rested and I'm ready for May 1st and the next batch of furries who need to run and play safely while their moms and dads have to be away.
We have Mylu and Maverick and Lil Molly already scheduled for May.  I love this time of year when the dogs can play outside and I can continue to work in the yard.
Bring it on! Im up and raring to go!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Weekend Getaway in Kamloops

We've made it back home safe and sound and more than a little bit tired. It was super relaxing to be away but it's always so nice to come back home to our own yard and beds.

While away, my brain gets a chance to rest and not be responsible and accountable for visiting dogs. I really enjoy having them here where they can stay safe while their moms and dads have to be away. They are so entertaining and always bring smiles and chuckles.

I am so appreciative to everyone for being so understanding of our closure for 2 weeks.  Sometimes a break is in order. A time to slow down and rewind and grab some calm, fresh air.  2019 started off super busy with little chance of slowing down any time soon.  With Easter and family birthdays happening, this month was the perfect time for a short closure. Heading out of town is a time when I allow my brain to go on holiday.  The daily ins and outs of dog day care disappear and fun "do selfish things" is welcomed.

We had a few very busy shopping days.  A chance to restock some much needed supplies and some just for fun items as well.  Our truck has a long truck bed and believe me when I say, we loaded it! The girls enjoyed going for truck rides with us all day, every day and being the only dogs in the pack for a while. We woke when we wanted and left early enough to have a full day. We returned late for play time and a last sniff around each night before bed.

Relaxed and heading out each morning.
New wonderful smells abound!
Crashing each night

The last day of shopping we decided to miss some places due to the weather. Most people don't complain when the weather turns hot and lovely this time of year. I complain because I can't/won't DO NOT leave the Royals alone in the truck. If the parking lot had shade and the clouds were out and if we were just going to dash in and out, they were safe. Otherwise we skipped the shop for another day.  My "girls" health is far more important to risk over heating.

Speaking of health, we made one super important stop before we headed home. Our wonderful Vet clinic in Cache Creek. The girls had their weigh ins and a chance to get some lovin' from our most favourite Vet receptionist Kara-Lee.  Princess MollyDawg has finally gained some weight. She is up to a satisfactory 27.9 kg. We're very pleased with that.   Lady May ran as fast as she could, up to the door and dashed in just as quick as her little leggies could go. I thought, "WOW! She excited to be here." Then I remembered the office kitty. "Oh ya, no wonder she was so excited to get inside."  Silly girl, kitty was safely outdoors.

The doctors were busy so we didn't get to visit with them

 We stocked up on all our vitamins and medications, loaded up a couple more bags of the Royal's special kibble and canned food, then headed back down the highway.  Just another hour drive and we were home sweet home.

Lady May went straight for her toys and The Princess found her crate and crashed! Daddy and I unloaded most of the items to be sorted later. Wow! There's alot!  Then we also crashed!

I've spent all day yesterday sorting through all our new purchases and getting laundry caught up.
Daddy bought us a brand new double recliner couch. That means the old swivel rocker had to be removed and the living room rearranged.  The girls are mostly in their beds happy to be home and staying out of my way. The doors are open and they can come and go as they wish.
The Princess has her nose out of joint because I've removed her large crate while Im rearranging. I've placed various mats around and the medium soft crate is still available. She has become so accustomed to having the extra large crate, she literally pouts as she searches for just the right bed.
It will return once all the furniture has found their new spots.  For now Princess MollyDawg just needs to be patient.
(I can't believe I used that term in the same sentence as The Princess MollyDawg!)

My plan is to use the next few days to prepare for our grandchildren to arrive for Easter!! Yahooo!
I am totally looking forward to this coming weekend!  The following week will be another relaxation week before we reopen Royal K9 Korner. 
Another word of appreciation to everyone for understanding while we take this time for ourselves!
You Rock!

Have a Fantastic Easter and stay safe!!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

3 Years and 3 Days Ago

 As many readers know, we received our Cuddle Clone fleece blankets a few days ago. It's ironic sometimes how things tend to follow a pattern throughout time. When I ordered these blankets I had no way of knowing exactly when they would arrive. Yet here it is 3 yrs later almost to the day that King passed and we are holding him and Duchess Sammy in our hearts and cuddling them while we cozy under their warmth. 
Each year on their passing day I return to my blogs and re read their stories. Mostly I smile now. Of course there are still some tears. The pain has ceased, mostly and I can almost make it through all the blogs. Daddy and mommy still love you so much darlings.

If only life was eternal! One day we will run with you both again.

There are so many posts to read, if you are interested in knowing these darlings more, feel free to visit and comment.  Some of the posts can be found by going to these links

My Life As Duchess Sammy

Duchess Sammy is Running Free Over Rainbow Bridge

Our Pack Is Grieving

3 Yrs and 3 Days Ago

King's fleece blanket and Cuddle Clone

Duchess Sammy's fleece blanket and Cuddle Clone

Beloved King and his Cuddle Clone

Our Royal Girl Duchess Sammy and her Cuddle Clone
RIP Jan. 07/2013