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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Bentley's First Sleep Over

Do you ever have one of those days when you just go on auto pilot?
I think that's what it's been like around here lately. I just go about the day doing my tasks and only the colour and size of the dogs changes. All our visitors know the routines so well and they get along beautifully.
Then somebody comes along and I realize, hey, wait a minute, you don't know those rules yet do you?  That was me the other day when Bentley's mom reminded me he has never had a sleep over here yet!
Wow! I totally forgot that!
So began our first sleep over prep. We started the day out like any other day. Play, RUN! Play, eat. Nap! Play, chase, play, rest.
Good girl Princess MollyDawg!
Why are the other mats empty? Doesn't anyone know
the mats are placed for the dogs?? (((sigh)))
Later in the day, we head downstairs to the bedroom to check out the sleeping accommodations.  Even though at our meet n greet all the beds had been visited, I like to reintroduce the beds to new dogs before it's actually sleep time.There are a couple of stuffies strategically placed and lots of comfy pillows for everyone. Bentley was happy enuf to go in the room and check out all the possibilities. He also was smart enuf to know and say." Uhhh, excuse me lady, BUT! It's no way near bedtime yet so Im heading out of here."
Of course, that's just fine but not before we check out the other crates in the other room and the big cozie padded quilt.
Yes, this mat is The Princess's bed.
However if you are calm, brave and choose to attempt
to lay with her, she WILL oblige.

There are eight possible sleeping areas downstairs and each dog is free to make his or her own choice. Usually.  We have an exception and that is Miss Mylu. (More about that in another post.) Bentley's mom suggested he sleep in a crate with the door closed. Ordinarily I follow an open crate policy. However, when a mom or dad tells me they think a closed door is best, I think it's wise to follow that suggestion. At least for the first few sleeps. So knowing he was going to have to be in a closed crate, we had a short game of find the cookie in the crate. The crate he would be sleeping in is large enough for me to be inside with him so it was easy to encourage him to go in. He showed no anxiety with the crate so we left the room and headed back outdoors for playtime.
We had a day trip planned and now was the perfect time for it.
Sorry Lady May, you have to stay home baby girl.
Bentley usually doesn't jump right in the car yet. He's had a bit of an owie when jumping in once and is a bit hesitant. We'll work on a bit of practise with him. For now he was quite happy to oblige. After all Lady May had already set the pace.
But Im going right lady?

So off we went to visit Squire Seven. He wasn't home but we had free run of his yard. Yahoo!!  Well, free run on lead! Only until the big scary noise came along!
What's that big noise??

We think this pilot was checking for lightening strikes.
We've had some pretty yuckie skys lately.
You're safe to keep playing if you want Bentley
We played and ran for a little while longer.  Playing ball and running in Royal K9 Korner's yard is great fun, but, there's nothing like a new adventure to help you sleep at night.
So he did. With only one, quite firm and defying BARK before sleep.  I think he just needed to show his disapproval of having the door closed on him. Still, he put his little head down and fell fast asleep. Yay!
Nite night little boy. Soon you can have your door open at night.
The next morning, I woke him up only when The Princess asked politely to be excused for her  morning constitution.   Bentley came out of the crate calm and well rested. By 6 am he was raring to go and full of his usual fun spirit. He was a wonderful house guest and a perfect sleeper.
I know he'll be sleeping with his door open very soon.  I really think a bit of prep before the first night sleep over is a good idea. It certainly seems to have payed off in my cases anyway.

I love when the little visitors wake feeling like they've had a great night sleep and it was "just Like HOME!"
Yahooo, more water fun!!


CarolineA said...

Bentley must be asking his mom all the time now if he can sleep over at your place!

Del said...

I hope you're right Caroline :) The little sweetie is back again on July 3rd for a few days. We're really looking forward to it! The more they're here over night, the easier it is for them to remember our rules. They fit in so much easier.