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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Mid June at Royal K9 Korner

Here we are already half way through 2019. I'm really wanting the days to slow down. We're having a great time being able to play out in the yard again. We're chasing each other and running in and out of the house, mucking up mommy's new kitchen floor with our pool soggy paws. She loves it! I can tell, cuz she always bends down when the floor is all wet. Im sure its to play with us!

Who has soggy paws??
Lil Molly, and Mylu and Bentley and River have all been over visiting us so far this month. Rookie will be coming this week along with Mylu and Lil Molly returning this weekend! Woo Hooo fun times ahead!
It took Lil Molly a few licks and circles to remember who River was but when she did, it was all, "Yahooo! Let's go!"
"Hi! Remember me??"
I remember you.

I think I love you

But no splashing please!

... and then River was alone with us Royals. Now don't get me wrong, She loves us. However, we really just Do Not play how River would like.
sigh...  are there any other dogs coming over?
Well of course there was! The very next day, we had an unexpected visitor needing day care. What a great surprise! River and Bentley had not had a chance to meet yet. Well, it turns out, these two are going to very best buddies! That's no surprise to me. Both are high energy. Even though they both have very different personalities.  2 yr old River has had an unpleasant experience with a dog in her past and is sometimes a bit nervous of new, over zealous playmates.  1 yr old Bentley on the other hand is all, "Oh who cares! Let's RUN FAST and JUMP and PLAY!!"

River, - " I think I like you but go slow okay!"
Bentley, "Slow? What's that?"

We gave them both lots of time getting to know each other. Bentley came a day early for a short meet with River. We left Bentley's halter on and added a short lead for a quick pull away if needed. He was very cooperative, even though he really wanted to just get the formalities over with and PLAY CHASE!  River showed signs of being leery but kept responding positively to Bentley's persistence.   She politely scolded him a couple of times with a good firm bark that said, "Look, I told you, I'll play, but not so rough okay?"

The next day was all about learning polite play behaviours, with River as the teacher. I had to step in a couple of times to assert my rank and remind them both of good manners. There was a full morning and afternoon of licking and playing, setting leadership and how the games would go. When ever Bentley was scolded he dropped to the ground like a good boy and gave River the respect she needed and rightly deserved. Good Boy Bentley!!
Before long they were into full open mouth play and ready to move out doors for the entire yard of RUN and Chase!

By after lunch, both were ready to follow the NO ROUGH PLAY after eating rule. We had quiet floor play only and then crashed for nap time. We're pretty sure Bentley and River will be at it before long again. Bentley sure is a good listener and River, well, she's just the best-est teacher ever!

Now, I better tell mommy to get back to moping up the soggy, doggy paw, wet kitchen floor! 

Not from me though, Right??

1 comment:

CarolineA said...

Seeing those two run around the yard made my morning! Nothing better than two energetic happy pups!