Finally, things slowed down enough to give us an opportunity to get in to see our wonderful Veterinarian Dr. Q. Gavaga at his
Cache Creek Veterinarian Hospital We've been waiting for this day for awhile now. There were a few questions on our list that needed answering and a few particular issues that needed to be addressed. We like to make sure we have a clean bill of health going forward into the cooler months. The travel to the doctors hospital is not always easy during bad weather.
We love our Doctor and ALL the staff and wouldn't ever consider changing for convenience. They always treat us like we are the favourite patient. They show they are genuinely concerned about the health and well being of our darlings. They have expert knowledge and skills. They provide an excellent service, they diagnose accurately, give appropriate advise and offer the very best treatment when needed. Our Royals have all experienced the wonderful handling skills and consideration to ensure they have a relaxed visit.
The Royal girls are always super excited to see them and this day was no different.
KaraLee and Kitty
Cache Creek Animal Hospital |
Could it be because the hosp. mascot is a warm and affection sweet kitty? Naww.
We know it's because they get to see their amazing Office Manger Kara Lee.
They love her happy personality and obvious love for all animals. Especially The Royals! ( Right Kara :) ) She welcomes us each visit with the warmth and energy that makes even the most difficult vet visits easier to handle.
She is always right on the mark when it's time for replenishing our food and meds supplies. One phone call/email/msg. and ZOOM! She's on it and our girls have a new delivery with a full supply.
Thank you so much Kara-Lee for all you do for us.
We Love You!
The Royal Girls don't like the prep before going to the V-E-T
Teeth brushing, nail clipping, ears, tail . . . BATH! Too bad ladies. We want you to visit Dr. Quinn clean and brushed.
This is NOT funny! I was already clean!
I love my outdoor bath station. Warm water and no indoor MESS! The Princess would rather not bathe. Lady May is just a good girl! Good thing, cuz she has an extra furry coat!
Lady May - "A little to the left please mommy" |
All clean and shiney, we headed off.
Our number one concern was for our 14 yr old Princess MollyDawg. She's always been one of those gals whose body just seems to produce limpomas. She has many and we check them regularly!
The latest in her collection is on the inner leg and has quickly reached a size I am worried about. It's not impeding her walking. She walks with a different gait due to her TPLO surgery. I was concerned because it's grown quickly. The doc did his usual thorough examination. He drained this mass and gave us options for a possible surgery if it should return to the extent it was at. He told us its not the same as her other "lumps". This one is a serum tumor. It's fluid filled rather that the fatty limpomas. It's benign and not a dangerous concern. We will, of course, continue to monitor it and revisit our options again in a months time.
Dr. Q was over the top pleased with her overall health. She has gained weight and is now at a comfortable 27.80 kg She has a wonderful shiney, soft coat. Good gums and teeth, and was able to have her rabies shot this time. At ehr last few check ups she wasn't healthy enough to handle it. We believe we are right on track with her and have no concerns heading into winter with full health!

Our Lady May was so over the top with excitement it was a task to keep her calm enough for Dr. Quinn to examine her. The wonderful RVT was right there to help out. Thank you so much! Lady May really seems to like you!
Daddy also helped hold Lady May in place so Dr. Q could examine and measure her while I took pictures.
She is one happy bunny when we're at the Vet's.
She needed a few special strength determinations and measurements before we go ahead with the application to
Eddies Wheels They have a clear list of criteria for designing a custom WheelCart for each of their clients.
Fortunately they provide really good
"How To" videos to help us determine Lady May's data.
Dr. Quinn says her right leg has normal mobility, although she has associated osteoarthritis and
tendonitis fascistic. He agrees, and is pleased, we are looking
for the recommended cart that will still allow her to continue to use her
right leg.
We also needed to make sure Lady May has the backend strength to use a Wheelcart. She is 10 yrs old now and has had 8 of those years to build up her rump. Happily she was given a full strength report. We know she may require additional rear support to her cart in future. That's down the road at this point.
We've compiled all yesterdays criteria and the process is underway. We still have several more measurements to send in. We'll be sending that off as soon as we can.
We want to send a very Special Thank You SO MUCH to Dr. Q. Gavaga DVM and all his wonderful staff at
Cache Creek Veterinarian Hospital
You have provided us with so many years of good health! We are so happy you love what you do and do it SO WELL!
Please wish us luck in our endeavour to get Lady May "Back on her feet"
Drying off in the sunshine |
Eddies Wheels - How Our Lives Went To The Dogs