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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Quiet Days - Sweet Mylu and Curly say "Hello again"

We had Mylu drop in for a couple of days while Curly was visiting. Mylu and Curly use to walk together a few years ago. Curly is quite a few years her senior and Mylu was only a puppy. They hadn't seen each other for a very long time. I was looking forward to having them both here at the same time. We humans get so emotional about seeing old friends. I was hoping to see some 'doggie emotion' between these two.  Nawww, drat! They were just two normal dogs saying hello as if for the first time. Both very polite, and relaxed and more interested in just laying around outdoors.

"Hi! You're turned into a fine looking girl there Mylu"
I had hoped to get some wonderful romping around the yard action shots. Nope. Just a couple of quiet, do nothing days. Mylu stayed close to Curly but never once bugged him. That's an unusual behaviour for her. Often times she tends to be quite "in your face" with the others.
Just chillin'
Supervisor Princess MollyDawg making sure no one gets to overexcited.
Even Bentley didn't respond the way I thought he might about seeing her again.  There was something very relaxing about this day.  Well, fine then, I had to get on with my chores. 
Bentley seemed to remember Mylu and also said a polite hello
Good Boy Bentley!
How come Mylu got to go out first?
Cuz you were all still sleepin!
 It was a good day for mowing, for what I really hope will be, the final mowing of the season.
(good luck with that!)
Curly followed me along as I mowed and Bentley followed Curly. They were so cute sauntering along beside me.  I turned off the mower and went to get my camera.  When I came back, they were sitting waiting for me. So cute. They could have at least finished the lawns!
Curly - "Honest, Bentley it's very safe. She wont come any closer."
When I fired up the mower again Bentley decided it was just too boring and went off to find something more exciting.
Bentley - "Nawww I dont think so. Im outa here!"
Later in the afternoon we took a short trip to find some new wonderful smells. Curly and Mylu rode very quietly in back. Not a peep out of them even when there were other dogs walking along the street. It made me wonder what was going on back there.  I guess they were just being good dogs!
Even when visiting Kathi's yard, they showed very little interest in romping.
Ahhh hedge rubs! The very, very bestest.
On the ride back Curly called 'shotgun.'
It was a pretty uneventful couple of days. Just 6 dogs being regular dogs and relaxing here at Royal K9 Korner.
Quiet, peaceful, and cool.  Is it the fall settling in? Maybe, I don't mind it at all. As long as the rains stay away! I wonder when they'll return?
Mylu deep in thought

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