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Monday, September 16, 2019

Curly Meets Lil Molly - Then Along Came Bentley

Yes, our new comer, Curly is visiting for a couple of weeks! That means he has ample time to get acquainted with a few of our Royals.
First up, of course, was lil Molly.
They were both a little shy to begin with. We provided lots of indoor space and security to allow them both to learn a little bit about each other.  Before the morning was up, BOOM! acceptance.
They both love toys! They both want the toys to be theirs.
Lil Molly needs, every visit, reminders that the toys belong to me. She still tries to claim them all and will give a lip curl to any dog who tries to tell her otherwise. While we were indoors, we played a few games of the "Toys Are For Sharing". It didn't take very long for them to understand the winner would always be me.
Lil Molly - "How long am I gonna hafta share toys?"
Forever lil Molly.  It's what keeps everyone happy.
"Hey! Isn't that MY squeaky?"
Before long we were heading outdoors for some energy release time. Curly is a very well mannered gentleman. He knew right off to sit before going out! Of course The Princess could not be at the back of the pack and made sure to push her way to the front of the line. Like all good pack members should, they moved over for her and let her take her place before exiting. I love calm well adjusted dogs!
Princess MollyDawg - "Excuse me, coming through"
Once outdoors Lil Molly and Curly had a great time with all the balls. Curly had to do some searching but managed to find all the ones that Lil Molly had hidden earlier. These two are wonderful together and make my job easy and loads of fun!
Where's all the balls?
Lil Molly - "Okay, I'm sharing, but remember they're really mine okay?"
Curly is learning to physically bring me the ball/toys if he wants them thrown. There is no way I'm going to go and retrieve them or bend down to pick them up. There's just to many and Im too old. That's your job Curly. After only one day, he's grasped that concept and was bringing it to me no problem. A task I'm sure he learned at home has now been transferred here! Yay, well done Curly boy!
Lady May - "Mum wont throw it till you pick it up Curly"
Curly - "That brown dog said,"It might be food time soon. We're s'posed to wait here!"
That's right Curly, but don't take everything lil Molly says to heart. Sometimes her tummy says its food time and it's still an hour to go. You'll get 3 meals a day here, cuz I need to give meds at noon. That means everyone gets a portion of their daily required kibble. I've checked with your mom and she said that's just super. I hear you tend to gobble your food, so this will also help to keep your food from sitting like a giant lump in your tummy. Much better for that pancreas dear boy.
 All was calm and quiet within the pack.

Enter Bentley!
Yes! The Zooming, high energy, run like the wind, go crazy, ball boy 1 yr old border collie had arrived in all his glory. He is a darling who loves other dogs and insists they play his games all the time, all day long, every day. Sorry Bentley. I know your mom and dad would agree, you have to show the older dogs respect and learn some calming skills while your here. I know your buddy, Lil Molly is here and she wants to zoom with you. We just have to relax for a short time. We've just had our lunch and it's time to rest. I don't allow zoomies after eating. That's the LAW around here.
We put up our separating fence and had quiet indoor get acquainted playtime
Hi! I'm Bentley! Wanna RUN!
I love my buddy Lil Molly! Can we go out and play now?
 Yes, little Bentley now you can go out and go crazy...and they did, all afternoon. Curly watched from the sidelines with Lady May and The Princess. He was quite happy to just play retriever games. There was just too much high energy to throw him into that pair. We gradually increased the time for all to be together in one yard. Soon Bentley's excess energy had subsided.
Before you know it, all was calm and quiet within the pack again.
Bentley still wearing a safety lead to ensure quick correction if needed.
The morning would bring full acceptance for this new pack dynamic. Curly and Bentley had reached full blown, I LIKE YOU mode.  These two are with us until the end of Sept. That's alot of time to bond. I cant wait to see what happens when Mylu arrives this week. Curly and Mylu are 'walk buddys' but have never been to daycare with us together before. I expect a few more fun days ahead!
I wonder if Bentley will remember his meeting with Mylu?

1 comment:

CarolineA said...

I well remember my Fwirl stealing Moose's favorite toy, it really is a dominance issue isn't it?
What I really appreciate about you is that your first priority is always safety, even when they are playing.