The last visitors of 2021 were our lovely Matron Miss Sadie and little Suzy Q.
Temps dropped low enough to warrant coats and boots in the evenings. |
Sadie helps to clear a path for little Suzy to walk |
Without the wind, the sun brings enough warmth to the day that we can remove coats and boots.
Sadie and Suzy just strolling in the sun |
Cedar Waxwings puffed up to keep warm from the cold while filling their tummys. |
I have extra coats and boots on hand for visitors when the winds pick up and the temps drop. Miss Sadie never batted an eye when I chose a coat and boots for her. Obviously her muscular body was a bit bigger than the coat I had on hand. I'm sure it helped a bit, but it kept popping open.
Sadie wearing a coat that belonged to Duchess Sammy and boots from Princess MollyDawg. |
Often times we see her across the road with her mom. She gives us a very gleeful wiggle and a wag as if to say 'Hello'. She is a very obedient girl and stays right by her mommy's side.
However, when she knows she's coming for a visit, she is the biggest wiggliest girl you can imagine. She stands inside her gate with her mom, and I stand inside mine. Mom and I, look up and down and the road, making sure for a safe time and with a heads nod mom gives the signal. We both open our gates and Miss Sadie comes BARRELLING across the road into our yard. She goes straight to do her business and then finds me for her 'hello cookie' while mom heads back home.
Sweet innocent faces. Right? Right, okay. Now. |
Sadie - "I'm helpin'. Right Lady? Lady May - "The ice-cream is mine. Paws off." |
Bed time for Sadie comes easy. She's the 'owner' of the bedroom crate and Lady May willingly obliges. It's always interesting to see the dynamics between various dogs. There doesn't always seem to be rhyme nor reason to how, who and why they allow or disallow things between them. I have learned just to let them show/tell me what, where and who gets what when and go with it. They always show me the respect I require and allow me to keep things running smoothly.
Sound asleep. Tomorrow is just another day. |
So ends another year at Royal K9 Korner.
From all our visitors throughout 2021 we say have a wonderful new year.
Stay warm, safe and PAWSITIVE!
"Welcome 2022!"
We're prepared for whatever tags along. Bring it on!