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Tuesday, August 1, 2023

My Needs Work With The Dogs Needs.

In my last Facebook post I mentioned some changes at Royal K9 Korner. One of the changes I’m moving into is revisiting how I accept and book the dogs.
A high percentage of my energy these days, is used up taking care of my own aging sweet girl Lady May. I will go into more details on her present condition in another post. To sum it up I do not have a bottomless pit of energy and know I need to save my reserves for her. 

One of the goals at Royal K9 Korner is to provide opportunities for dogs to have fun. To allow dogs the freedom to play and safely enjoy their time with others away from home. I love seeing dogs run, laugh, tumble and zoom. Or simply just lay around and be together with others. Some days are let’s go crazy days and some are slow quiet days. 

 Peaches, Sadie, Lady May, Sage and Loki
5 dogs but the dynamics feel like only 2 are visiting

I have the option of setting up what type of day it will be by who I book in on those days. I love them all and they all keep me smiling. I want that to continue.
Sometimes there’s a need to keep visitors separated. When I do, it’s due to a safety issue. It could be a minor safety issue like keeping someone separate during rough and tumble play. Perhaps someone doesn’t like to see that type of play and will act out if it happens around them. If that scenario is stressful to them, I will help them remove it by separating them.
It takes energy to watch for this, but I believe it’s an important use of my energy. 

Generally, when it’s a more serious health related issue, it’s been requested by a vet along with the moms/dads. Somebody may have an injury or healing from one. Aggravation by association with buddies is very real. A romp on the grounds could send them back to the Dr’s. with a more serious injury. What ever the reason, they must be kept separate, even though I feel sad doing it, do it I must.

Matron Sadie shows the temporary fence set up for those who are not allowed to jump

At times a separation is needed because someone just doesn’t feel comfortable being close to another. Fortunately, my yard is set up to accommodate all those visits. It’s possible to allow them to safely visit through a fence. I like to think they’ll grow more accustomed to the other if they can still see, smell and touch noses. That’s not always possible and sadly it may become more appropriate to keep buddies two sections away. Those are the days that tell me to make a choice not to have those particular visitors here on the same day in future and certainly not over night. It just doesn’t seem fair to me or them. It’s time to say, let’s “just drop this” I’ve spent enough energy and so have they.

Miss Sage and Ruby,
quite happy to have a fence between them

If dogs are excessively playful to the point of being over the top ‘into’ each other. I call a ‘timeout’ for them. When I have two dogs who can not be called into time out, I will separate them. There is a possibility of one overpowering the other and it quickly becomes a power match. That is no longer safe play, and it will be stopped. It requires too much of my energy to continue to monitor two particular dogs. I take that into consideration when/if they are requesting future playdays together.  I base the booking dependant on my energy reserves those days.

Sir Henry and Squire Bailey play rough and tumble but still able to hear my words  'Cookie Break"

Some of my regulars may have noticed I’ve been full more often than not. It’s likely I only have one or two dogs those days and I’m considering that full due to how much energy it will require of me.
I believe using my energy wisely will allow me to continue to maintain the safe, fun and healthy daycare and lifestyle for our visitors needs.
If I'm full on the day you request, please try again another day!
I love your dog and truly want to have them visit.
Thank you so much for all your understanding. I wish I had a bottomless pit of energy. However, I need to save my reserves for myself, my family and my sweet little girl Lady May.

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