These two little darlings have been visiting in preparation of an extended visit during the upcoming summer. They are always with their mom and dad. They have a wonderful safe, secure home life, with a happy familiar daily routine. They are brimming with confidence while at home with mom and dad.
5 year old Chip & 1 1/2 year old Maggie |
What more could two little rescues ask for. They might begin by asking not to be left at daycare.
Thus, my task is to create a safe, happy, suitable environment for them to stay while mom and dad have to be out of town.
We started the process of acclimation with a M&G back in
November 2023
The first few visits were with no others present. Separation anxiety is very real for these two.
We've started introducing them to other dogs slowly. Even though they are quite social when on walks etc with mom and dad. Daycare is different for them.
They don't have the security of mom and dad here. It is important they feel comfortable with me and know I can be trusted to keep them safe.
Due to the busy daycare schedule their visits have been twice a month.
Earlier this week they visited together with Bailey, Karma and Suzy Q
As usual I introduced through the living-room gate. No one barked or whined or acted unruly. We sat quietly for a long time while Chip and Maggie wandered back and forth between kitchen and the living room gate. I'm certain the calm behaviours of Bailey, Suzy and Karma in the safe area made Chip and Maggie feel less stress. Good Dogs!
Maggie - "But let them out yet okay lady?" Have no fear Mags you're safe here.
We progressed slowly into the kitchen area, until Chip & Maggie seemed more comfortable with Bailey and Karma being closer to them. We shared sweet potatoes bits through the fence. Next we moved into the kitchen area and shared more. Yum!
Good display of calm behaviour Bailey! Karma - "Cooookieees"
Back into the living room, I had Bailey and Karma head into crates while Chip and
Maggie made their way into the X-pen for safety. Chip seemed relaxed with Suzy,
who he previously had a wonderful playtime with. Maggie was still not
comfortable even having Suzy behind a fence, but came closer to her this
Suzy Q - "Hey, I know you guys. Wanna play?" Mags - "Not right now thanks"
Karma was interested in meeting these two littles but very compliant when I asked him to stay in 'bed'.
Karma - "But I can come out soon right? Yes dear very soon. Karma - "Okay cuz I dont wanna miss cookies right?"
Before long Bailey and Karma were saying hello behind the x-pen. Chip and Maggie had found a safe place to stand and said hello
Chip was interested in meeting the new boy. Karma really showed his best behaviour! I know his mom would be proud.
Chip says hello to Bailey while Maggie watched the other boy.
Karma - "I fink dis girl likes me! You shud let me in there"
Calm behaviour in a safe zone. Such good dogs! Karma - "Ya, it must be cookie time right?"
When all were more relaxed in each others presence I individually
led each one/pair outdoors. I kept one on lead while they said a closer
hello and allowed more safe yard wanderings.
At first, I kept Suzy Q on lead even though Suzy and Chip had met and
had a fun playtime in past. Chip was watching the other boys in the
next fenced area. He had little interest in playing with Suzy this time. There was a more important task at hand.
Maggie gave a clear signal of not feeling comfortable and keeping Suzy on lead was my obligation.
Please dont let her come near me.
Chip and Maggie waiting for the next buddy to enter their area
He was naturally hesitant to let Karma or Bailey get to close. They all
allowed a 'hello' greeting. Karma was very nonchalant, he did a polite
hello and then let them just wander around him. It was Karma's turn to be on lead to
prevent possible sudden movements that might frightened the little
Karma and Chip say a polite hello
Bailey - "Do I get to play with them another time?" Yes, buddy another time.
All the time spent displaying calm behaviours has a huge benefit for everyone.
Karma and Bailey saunter politely together. There was no need for rough and tumble play.
We spent a long time wandering the yard and switching dogs on lead and who roamed with who. We went indoors and out and maintained a safe distance to allow maximum comfort to all. Near the end of the visit Chip and Maggie played happily in the safety of the x-pen while the others rested close be.
Karma - "I was good right? I shud get cookies. Right?"
They even slept through me taking the others out.
A day like today, of meeting others, can be just as tiring as a day full
of zooms and vigorous playing. After 6 hours of daycare this day, Maggie
and Chip fell asleep in their favourite spot. They sleep soundly for a full half hour.When they woke I had taken the others outdoors. I looked up at the window and there were their little faces watching the going on. It was time for home for them. So we said our 'see ya laters' and I texted mom and dad to pick them up.
"S'cuze me lady, But we think it's home time now"
Our goal for these two sweeties, is to continue these calm, positive visits with a variety of others. They are booked in a few days over the summer and the need for them to be more in control of their separation anxiety is very real.
I hope I can help them. Until that day comes, I am currently not booking others on the same days as their summer visit.
I'm looking forward to another peaceful day visit, near the end of Feb. See you then, 'Littles'.
Happy snuggles with mom and dad.