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Sunday, May 5, 2024

An Update From Sage

It's only been two and a half months since Sage and her mom, Sush, moved from town. It seems like  ages ago!  They set off together on their road trip across Canada. Two girls on a cross country adventure! Sush wrote to tell me all about it back mid April and I'm only now sitting down to pass their adventures along. Yes, I'm so bad!
They hopped in their car and set out down the highway headed back East. Along their way they made many stops. They enjoyed the scenery of various towns along their journey.

Sage on a morning walk at Wapta Falls just outside Golden.
"Can I bring my stick please mommy?"

Another stop along the side of a farm in Swift Current, Saskatchewan.
"Where's all the sticks?"
They had great weather after a snowstorm and a nice stay in a cabin, where they explored a very snowy Thunder Bay. Mom says, "It was quite lovely. Sage has definitely had some good romps so far!"

A sleepy travel companion no doubt dreaming on home.
They stopped at a dog park in Winnipeg and Sush said,"Sage was the best behaved one there. Ran with the other dogs but came when called. She learned all of that with you!! I was so proud of her! "
Sage -"Wait a minute. Are these glasses 3D
 I need my cool shades for this."
Their trip involved driving through a snowstorm to Thunder Bay, and then some pretty gorgeous driving around Lake Superior!
Sage - "Do you think I should avoid swimming here today mom?"
They are now settling in a little cottage in Chelsea Que. and have been there for the past 3 weeks.
They are adjusting to settle in.
Sush says, "It’s certainly been lovely seeing old friends! Especially Hazel, Vicci and the twins!
Hazel and Sage had a lovely reunion, though, as always, Sage was much more taken with Hazel."
She says, "Sage has been SO good with young children, although she was a bit scared, I’m very proud of her! "
Sage - "You can scratch my chest just dont try to brush me okay?"
Sush says, she's not really sure about city life. The traffic, people, keeping Sage restrained all the time... Sage is definitely missing all the freedom and adventure she had in BC."

Their trip was a mixed bag of adventure and experiences but Sush says, "Regardless, we miss you very much!!!"
Sage wonders what's happening back at the Dog yard in Lillooet.
We all miss you both very much Sush and Sage and hope one day you can find a way to visit us again. Thank you so much for the great update!
Give it a chance girls. It will no doubt take some getting used to the new way of things.
You can do it! 
Please write again soon!
All our paws and fur buddies miss you immensely!
Hugs 'n tail wags.
"from all of us"

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