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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter to Everyone

My mom and dad are very happy this Easter. Our Royal family is still in tact. I'm still hanging in there. I refuse to let go of my wonderful life just yet. I'm still on my regimented diet of rice and chicken puree. I've stopped the Omeprazone but I'm still taking a half tablet of prednisone a day. Our trip to visit the doc on Thurs. went really well. He gave me some Royal Canin GI kibble and some soft canned food that will make it easy for my tummy to digest. It's very yummy. Mom says if I can keep it down and I don't get the runs I can have as much as I want. I lost 10 lbs since my last visit so my mom is quite concerned about my weight.
Doc removed P. Mollydawg's stitches and was pleased with her progress. She's s'posed to walk slow and continue with her warm/cold compresses before mom and dad do a range of motion exercise. No jumping around or running after me. That's just fine by me, cuz I really don't feel much like running. It's about all I can do to walk beside my mommy.
Yesterday mom was outside digging in her raspberry bed. I really, really wanted to be beside her but she kept moving back and forth across the yard. I started to get a bit winded so she took me back into the house. She wishes I could be comfortable just to lay a few feet away from her and watch her work. I think my abandonment issues from my past are sneaking back in to haunt me again. I am so afraid my mom will leave me. What if I fall asleep and she runs away on me.. what if I turn my back and she walks out of the yard and I never see her again...??
She tells me everyday that she will never do that. In my ole heart I know that. Maybe I just want to use every second of my short time left to be by her side. Mom says, "that's okay ole King, mommy loves you and we can lay in the house if you would rather." She loves my like that.

Our good friend Lil Molly is visiting this weekend. At first I was worried she'd be a bother to me. She's not. She's playing with Lady May and leaving me alone. I like that. P. Mollydawg had to snap at her at one point cuz she walked right onto her sore leg. YIPES! That was so not good. She really is a clumsy kinda girl. We love her very much though. She's been in our pack since she was only 8 weeks old. My how she's grown. This is when we met in 2009.

Mom says the Easter Bunny wanted to bring us some really special treats this year. I guess mom and the bunny had a conversation and it was decided that the treats would be an extra hug and a spoonful of meal supplements for me. MMMmmm... that's okay by me. If you want to wish me well... pray for a normal stool and no vomiting. Then I can eat until, my heart is content.
Katog's A Royal Easter 2016 album on Photobucket

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