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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Lupin Meets Coco

When I watch dogs play, I love to laugh and give them people personalities, and words associated with their play. Watching Lupin and Coco early in the day, it was like Lupin was saying, ”He’s a boy! I don’t wanna’ play with a boy dog.” In reality, I believe she was thinking, “He’s way to big and too happy! I’d love to play when he’s calmer.” Coco on the other hand, was more like “What other dog? Oh, hi, do you love balls?" 

Lupin - "You smell like a boy. Step back"
Coco - "I am a boy, and I'm happy to meet you!"
Coco was very polite when he came in to meet Lupin. I figured I may need to hold his excitement back from Lupin so I found a 'just right' harness for him. The Emotional Support harness. Yes, he might have been in her face a bit, but he was gentle about it. Lupin gave very clear signals that she was not ready to be best friends yet. She remained her calm, collected self through the day. Her eyes stayed on Coco and her play came closer to him throughout the day.  That was fine by Coco, he had no intentions of having a zoom buddy, and if she liked to play balls, then she could. He had his own and would happily play alone. 
Lupin - "Why is he so happy? He's such a boydawg?"
I attached the long lead to Coco just in case there was a bout of "Ok Let's Go!" I may need to step in quickly and a lead gave me that sense of extra safety.  Coco did a great job of keeping his excitement in check and focused entirely on his own play. The ground was soggy and his lovely, clean, curly coat was soon coated in clumps of wet grassy bits. I'm so glad he's compliant about getting cleaned up.

Coco and Lupin choose the back yard for their first play.

It's nice to see how well these two have learned my routines/procedures here. When I opened the door and gave the signal to head out, they headed straight around the side for the back yard. A great signal to me they were ready to play and would feel comfortable together in the backyard. 

Nonchalant sauntering, checking things out.
There was no zooming, only a bit of easy running to the adjacent yard for the toys.  Lupin picked up a toy but Coco continued to check out the smells of the day before. As he passed by Lupin, he only stopped to get a quick sniff and show his lovely wagging tail.  Lupin's calm demeanour certainly seemed to have a positive effect on Coco. She's very good at communicating and he was awesome at listening.

Coco - "Hey, look! Here's a ball!"
Lupin- "Ya, so?"
There simply was no need to keep Coco on a long safety lead and off it came. Lupin began to saunter closer and check out several more toys. Her comfort level with Coco was increasing and she initiated play with him. What a good girl Lupin. I'm sure you're soon going to be great playmates.

Lupin- "Okay. I guess he's not that bad, for a boy."
Coco- "Look! A ball!"
The rest of the day both dogs enjoyed being company for each other. I removed the harness from Coco long before lunch. It was so obvious he had no intention of pouncing or being out of control. Lupin felt comfortable being close to him very early on, I had no need to be concerned. We came in and went out with no incidence. They had lunch, napped together and continued to play ball together.


I always maintain, dogs do not have to ZOOM around the yard to have a fun-filled day and be tired by days end. The metal stimulation of just 'being' can sometimes be enough. It certainly was for these two. 

Lupin dreaming, "Coco the boy dog is not so bad after all."
Coco dreaming- "Throw the ball"

I'm looking forward to the next time these two have coinciding playdays. Maybe another day of Coco and Lupin just dogs being dogs.  Maybe the grass will be dry and the zoomies will hit.
Either way, congratulations to you both, on the new play buddy.
You are both very good dogs!

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